Stella’s grip on my hand tightens as we push through the main doors.

The school looks normal once again. All the decorations that lined the hallways and communal areas before the holidays have vanished. Students wearing their matching uniforms mill around, proudly showing off the kind of wealth they’re attached to. Almost all of them look our way, but I make eye contact with no one, instead focusing on where we’re going.

The common room.

The place I already know everyone is going to be.

“Ready?” Stella asks, concern filling her voice.

“Always. Rip the plaster off, right?”

“Every time.”

With one more supportive squeeze of my hand, the three of us walk into the common room as a unit.

Silence ripples through the room as people turn our way.

Okay, so I either did some stupid shit at that party when I was wasted that I don’t remember or everyone knows.

“Princess,” a deep, familiar voice booms across the room.

“Shut the fuck up, bro,” Seb chastises when Alex appears in front of us.

“Fuck you. I’m talking to our girls.”

Alex inserts himself between Stella and me, forcing our hands to disconnect as he wraps his arms around our shoulders.

“What better way is there to spend a Monday morning than with two beautiful women by my side?”

“Shut the fuck up, Deimos,” Stella snaps, twisting out of his hold. “I need more coffee to deal with you.”

“Love you too, Princess.” She flips him off and marches to Seb’s side.

I’m not as fast to move. I feel somewhat protected standing between Alex and Seb when I know that he’s here somewhere.Although, I can’t see him with the mass of bodies standing around as they catch up after the break.

Alex guides me to where they usually hang out, and sure as shit, the second the crowd parts, there he is, sitting on top of a table as if he fucking owns the place—which he kinda does. He’s resting back on his palms like he has no cares in the world, but it’s not his stance that really catches my attention. That’s the state of his face.

It was bad the afternoon I saw him in Mickey’s, but not that fucking bad.

“Jesus. Who did that?”

“Don’t you know?” Alex asks.

“Clearly fucking not,” I snap, “or I wouldn’t be asking.”

“Titch,” he states proudly.

“Titch? As in, Dad’s friend?”

“The one and only. Came out of retirement to beat the shit out of your hubby. Ow,” he complains when I pinch his side and twist. “Sorry, sorry. Jesus, that hurts.”

“Pussy,” I hiss, continuing forward, getting close enough that his eyes finally find me.

His entire body freezes as he realises I’m approaching, and his lips part as if he’s ready to say something. Fair play if he is, because suddenly, I have no words.

All the hate I’ve imagined spewing at him vanishes as the air around us turns heavy and unbearable.

“Christ, you two need to fuck again,” Alex mutters. “He’s been pining after you, you know. It’s been totally pathetic.”