Anywhere but here, I think as I grab my helmet and rush to put it on in my need to get away.

I spend more time looking in my mirror than I do where I’m going as I make my way across town for fear that he’ll be following us.

When I’m confident that Seb somehow managed to stop him—because I have no doubt that his first instinct would be to stalk me—I finally turn toward the place I want to go.

“Is this a good idea?” Xander asks the second we come to a stop outside a bakery I haven’t been in for a few months.

“Dad said everything with the Wolves is sorted, that they’re not a threat. And I’d rather be here than in Cirillo territory.”

Xander looks over my shoulder at the Cherry on Top and reluctantly nods.

“He won’t find me here,” I say, sounding much more confident than I feel.

“Em, I’m pretty sure you could go to the ends of the Earth and he’d still find you.”

I narrow my eyes at him, wondering if he knows something I don’t, but I decide against asking.

I’ve already had enough of Theo Cirillo for the day, and I barely looked at him.

“Come on, I need a sugar hit.”

“Now you’re talking.”

Xander follows me into the mostly empty bakery. When he said I was buying him lunch, I don’t think he realised that it’s almost dinner time and it won’t be long until Cherry closes up for the night.

“Emmie Ramsey, long time no see,” Cherry says as she crashes through the door that leads to the kitchen with a tray of pastries in her hands.

“Hey, Cherry. How’s it going?”

“Yeah, you know. Nothing ever changes in Lovell.”

“Ain’t that the truth.”

“Misha’s missed you, though.”

I smile, doubting that it’s really true.

Misha was one of only a handful of people in Lovell that I could loosely call a friend. Basically, she’s one of the few I went to school with who weren’t total dickheads, and I was able to party with her without wanting to kill her.

“I miss her too,” I lie. Mostly, I haven’t really thought much about anyone I left behind.

“It’s her birthday next Monday. Archer and the guys are throwing a party. You should come.”

I flinch when Xander’s hand lands on the small of my back, reminding me that he’s there.

“I think you’re busy that night, aren’t you?” he says quietly in my ear.

Shrugging out of his hold, I smile at Cherry. “That sounds great. It’ll be good to catch up with everyone.”

“Awesome. I’ll let her know. Get her to message you.”


“Emmie,” Xander groans, but I ignore him.

“You guys came at the perfect time, I hope you’re hungry,” Cherry says with a smile. “Go take a seat, I’ve got you covered. Cappuccino with a double shot, right?”

“You got it. Same for him,” I say, tilting my head toward a silently fuming Xander.