Ignoring Stella’s glare, I turn back to Seb and make my way over.

“What?” I ask when he just studies me with amusement.

“Oh, nothing, bro. Nothing at all.”

“What are you working on?” I ask in a pitiful attempt to distract him.

“An English lit assignment. But that’s not important.” He slams the lid of his laptop down, keeping his attention fully on me. “What I really want to know is why you’re stalking your little biker bitch more than usual.”

“I’m not stalking her.”


“So you didn’t just happen to be in the library late on Tuesday night when she was also in there?”

“Firstly, how the fuck do you know where I was Tuesday night? And secondly, it was a fucking coincidence that she was working there too,” I argue.

“She wasn’t involved, Theo. How much evidence do you need to get over it?” he asks, reminding me of the reason I started gunning for Emmie.

The second I realised who she was connected to, alarm bells started ringing. I should have figured out there was more to her sudden appearance here than met the eye. No one from the Lovell Estate just suddenly gets a place at Knight’s Ridge.

Seb might be right, she might not be lying about not being involved with what Joker was planning, but add what Dad told me recently, and I don’t believe she’s entirely innocent for a second.

“Whatever you say,” I concede, not wanting to get into another debate about Emmie’s innocence in trying to kill his girl.

“It’s over. Let’s just leave it in the past where it belongs.”

“Is it, though?” I ask, thinking of the man we’ve still got detained, trying to get the answers that Toby deserves.

“As far as Emmie is concerned, yeah. Just let her get on with life.”

“She’s still spending time at the Reapers compound,” I point out.

“So? It’s her grandfather’s club. Why wouldn’t she spend time there?”

“I just don’t like it,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest and resting back in my chair. The urge to turn around and look at her is almost too much to deny, but I force it down.

I’ve got a fucking job to do, and it doesn’t include showing my hand too early.

If I want to get the answers I need, then I need… I need her to trust me.

I almost laugh out loud at that thought.

What the fuck was my father thinking when he put this fucking plan into action?

He’s not a stupid man. Far fucking from it. So why he thought I was the one for this job, I have no fucking clue. Well, actually, I know damn well why he did it, but that’s beside the point.

He took fucking liberties by doing what he did behind my back. I might be going along with it for the good of the Family, but if he thinks I’m happy about it, then he’s got another think coming. The second this is sorted, he’s going to get me out of it as simply as he seemed to get me into it.

“We’re heading to homeroom,” Stella says, stepping up behind Seb and looping her arms around his shoulders, dropping a kiss to the side of his neck.

“Okay, baby,” he damn near purrs like the whipped motherfucker he is.

I never thought I’d see Seb willingly hand his balls over to a woman, but we’ve all had front row seats as he’s let Stella walk all over him. Fucker doesn’t even seem to care, either. Mind you, from the amount of fucking sex he’s getting, I can kinda understand why. The pair of them fuck like rabbits. Not having to listen to them go at it every fucking hour is probably one of the only good things about my coach house going up in flames.

We might still live in the same building, but thankfully, I don’t hear a peep from them in the flat downstairs.

I’d have got my own back if I could have found a girl who even stirred an ounce of interest in me.