“Yeah?” she asks excitedly.

“Yes, but—” I need to get laid. No, not just laid, railed so fucking hard I can’t remember my own name.

“But what? Anything.”

I shake my head, clearing those thoughts.

I can’t. Not with Knight’s Ridge kids. I’m not sure those future CEOs and bankers would have any fucking clue how to do it properly anyway.

One person would, and you know it.

“Nothing. I’m just going to need to get really drunk. Or high,” I add, not really caring which.

Fuck it. Both. I’ll risk the crossfade if it takes me to oblivion for just a few hours.

“That, I can do. Those rick pricks will have everything you need. Promise.”

“Glad they’re good for something.”

“Okay, so pack a bag. I’ve got cheer after school, but we’re getting ready at Stella’s place. I’ll meet you both there after.”

“I thought we were coming to yours,” I say, fighting to keep my irritation inside.

“Nico’s being a dick, so Stella offered for us to get ready with her and then Seb can take us.”

“Okay,” I force out through gritted teeth.

“Awesome. I need to go get ready. Pack something sexy though, yeah?”

I scoff. “Puh-lease, would I do anything else?” I joke, knowing full well that our ideas of sexy are very different.

Callie is very much what I’d describe as a girl, although a much less conservative one since she became friends with Stella and me.

“Just… not too much leather and shit. It’s Christmas after all.”

“So you’d rather me dress like what? A fairy?”

“Now that I would pay to see,” she jokes.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I’ll see you soon.”

“Laters,” she says, before hanging up on me.

Falling back against my headboard, I let out a long sigh as my phone drops into my lap.

It won’t be that bad. Surely, it won’t be that bad.

* * *

“Is that really necessary?” I mutter, not meaning to say the words out loud and regretting it the second Calli glances over to where Sloane is rubbing herself all over Theo like a bad rash.

“You’re not going to let her win, are you?” Stella asks, turning back from sucking Seb’s face off, although clearly, she was multitasking.

“Win? I wasn’t aware there was a competition.”

“Theo doesn’t want Sloane, Em,” Seb adds.

“Who gives a fuck if he does?” I snap. “They aren’t the reason I don’t want to go tonight.” I wave my hand around the school restaurant at all the idiots we’re surrounded by. “They are.”