“You okay?”

Shaking my head, I blow out a frustrated breath.

“Fuck you, Cirillo. Fuck. You.”

Turning my back on him, I grab my jacket and bag from the chair I left them on and storm out of the clubhouse, concerned eyes following my every movement.

“Em, you okay?” Cruz asks softly, catching my upper arm to stop me.

“Yes,” I hiss, shrugging him off. “I’m fucking fine. Thank you.”

Dragging my arm out of his grip, I march toward the doors.

“Do not get on your fucking bike, kid.”

Flipping him off over my shoulder, I swing the door so hard it crashes back against the wall.

I suck in a deep lungful of ice-cold air, suddenly feeling annoyingly sober.

There are bikes everywhere, which only makes Theo’s Ferrari stand out that much more where it’s been abandoned in the middle of the compound.

Ripping my bag open, I search for my Christmas present from Stella and unsheathe the blade.

Excitement oozes through my veins at the thought of his reaction.

Fuck him.

Fuck him to fucking hell and back with a cactus up the arse.

I surge forward with my fingers gripped tightly around the handle, ready to cause some damage.

I’ve got the point almost touching the perfect black paint of the door when his deep, booming voice echoes around the compound.

“Don’t even think about it, Ramsey.”

A smile twitches at my lips as the blade connects.

I glance over my shoulder, my eyes connecting with his wide, horrified ones as I drag the sharp tip of my knife along the side of his precious baby.

I don’t stop until I hit the edge of the door. Then I pull the knife away, put its cover on and drop it back into my bag.

I could do more, but I’m pretty sure I just made my point. Loud and clear.

Turning to face him, I find him standing with his fists curled at his sides, his chest heaving and his eyes burning holes into mine.

I don’t need to get closer to know that his usually green eyes are currently black and fucking deadly. I feel it in the tension that crackles between us.

Behind him stand Cruz, Xander, Gunner and a handful of other guys as they wait to see what’s going to happen next.

All of a sudden, Cruz moves out of the way and my pops comes stalking through the crowd.

He glances at Xander, who’s still got blood running down his chin before coming to stand in front of Theo, although his eyes are trained on me.

“What the fuck is going on?” he growls.

“Nothing, Pops. I’ve got it covered.”

He looks me up and down, I assume checking for injuries.