The moment I come to life the next morning and realise that I’m not being clutched tightly like I was before I drifted off to sleep, I push my hand out, trying to find him. Only, I’m met with a cold, empty bed.

“Fuck,” I breathe, rolling onto my bed, forcing down the disappointment that threatens to consume me.

I knew it was too good to be true.

If I didn’t remember just how his lips felt moving against mine, then I’d say I’d dreamed it all.

But I know I didn’t.

Lifting my finger to my still kiss-swollen lips, I remember every second.

The way he moved so gently against me, the words he whispered against my skin, telling me that I deserved more than what Mum had given me, that I was worth more.

It was weird, hearing those words come from his lips. And not just because I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say them to me before, but they were so at odds with everything he’s ever said to me.

There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to believe he meant them, but then I remember the look in his sparkling green eyes and it makes my chest ache.

He meant them.

I just… I just don’t understand the change.

It hit me upside the head, but I was powerless but to accept his words, his touch, his kiss.

It’s why it hurts so much this morning that he’s gone.

Like it was all a figment of my imagination.

I reach for my phone, and my heart tumbles in my chest the second I wake it up and find a message from him.

His Lordship: I’m sorry I had to leave. I was going to wake you to say goodbye, but you looked so beautiful in your sleep. I’ve got to work tonight. I don’t know if I’ll get there, but I want you at my flat tomorrow night when I get off.

My teeth grind at his demands, but I can’t deny that my thighs don’t clench at the thought of returning to his flat. Although, reading it again, all I see is that he’s not going to be here tonight. I shouldn’t be disappointed but…

I blow out a long breath. What the hell is that arsehole doing to me?

I hate him. I shouldn’t want him anywhere near me.

Or at least… I should hate him.

He’s everything I don’t like in guys. All my turn-offs rolled into one sexy, toned, dirty package.

“Argh,” I complain, covering my face with my hands.

He’s worming his way under my skin, and I'm scared that I might actually like it.

It takes me longer than it should to come up with a reply.

As desperate as I am to agree that I’ll meet him tomorrow night, I also do not want to be that girl.

Emmie: I’ve already got plans.

It’s a lie. I have absolutely nothing planned, although I’m sure I could if I asked Calli or Stella to do something.

His Lordship: Cancel them. It wasn’t a suggestion.

Desire washes through me at his tone. It’s like his deep voice growls the words in my ears and my skin pricks with goosebumps.