It only takes three minutes to discover that Calli has plans with her mom but that Emmie is bored out of her head at home and more than happy to come over, as long as the boys aren’t here.

I assure her they’re about to leave and climb from the couch.

“Hey, Emmie’s going to come over,” I say, resting back against our closed bedroom door as Seb dresses in his suit and then runs some wax through his hair.

“Good, I’m glad we’re not leaving you alone.”

“Any idea why you’ve been called in?” I ask, walking up to him and helping straighten his tie.

He doesn’t need me to help, he’s more than capable, but he humors me nonetheless.

“You know as much as me, baby.”

“Do you think it’s got anything to do with me?”

“I’m fucking hoping the boss has got some stupid fuck strung up by the balls for ever hurting you.”

“Aw, you say the sweetest things,” I say, running my hands up his chest and resting them over his shoulders.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“It’s okay. We’ll just hang here, watch a film or something.”

“If you order in, you know to—”

“Only order from Cirillo restaurants. I know. I’ve got this, Seb.”

“No crazy trips to the Avenue?” he asks, quirking a brow.

“Nope. We’re having a night in. Promise.”

It’s the first time all five of them have been called away together in weeks. The thought makes my stomach knot, because it’s obviously something serious.

“Okay.” He drops a kiss on my lips and takes my hand, leading me down the hallway to meet Theo, who’s already waiting.

“Anything?” he asks Theo, who shakes his head.

“Nothing, but I fucking hope it’s a lead.”

“Same,” Seb agrees. “Keep your phone close and don’t—”

“I’ll be right here when you get back.”

He nods, although I can see his concern shining bright in his eyes.

“I’m safe here. I’ll lock up once you go and after Emmie gets here.”

“Come on,” Theo says, clapping Seb on the shoulder.

“I love you,” Seb says, looking at me over his shoulder as Theo directs him toward the door.

“I love you too. Stay safe.”

“Always.” He blows me a kiss before disappearing.

“You’re so fucking whipped, it’s pathetic,” Theo mutters as they descend the stairs, making me laugh.

“Just you wait,” Seb says. “It’ll happen to you one day and I’ll remind you of all this.”