
“Iheard she was with all of them. In one night.”

“Yeah, same. She’s in my lit class. I might see if I can move seats. I’m more than happy to be part of her next harem.”

My fingers tighten on the fork in my hand as I listen to the fucking dead men at the table behind me.

Looking up, my eyes collide with Alex’s. He looks almost as on the edge of losing his shit as I am.

Theo’s not here. Well, he was here, but he and Nico got a call from the boss halfway through our second class of the morning and they ducked out to find out what he wanted.

Toby is here somewhere, but the motherfucker seems to be avoiding all of us. He’s probably sitting in his car, eating his lunch like a pussy right now.

My jaw tics as the kids behind me continue talking shit about Stella.

I knew it was going to happen. The second I threw Teagan out on Friday night, I knew there would be consequences. But we can deal with a little bit of gossip and prissy rich kids running their mouths.

I nod at Alex, reading his thoughts as I stuff another piece of chicken into my mouth.

I’m not hungry. I lost my appetite the second they started on behind me, but if I don’t do something then I won’t be able to wait until they leave to show them exactly what I think about them planning to get anywhere near our princess.

“You saw her last night, didn’t you?”

I pause chewing and look back up at Alex.

“What makes you say that?”

“Theo said you disappeared in the middle of the night, then reappeared looking like you’d been ravaged by a lion.”

I pull one shoulder up in a shrug.

“Who said it has to be her?”

“Fuck off, bro. Don’t even try to convince me that anyone else is getting your cock hard these days.”

“Yours too, if Saturday morning taught us anything.”

His low chuckle meets my ears. “We got the message loud and clear, man. Watching her fall, though? Fucking beautiful.”

“Watch it,” I growl.

“Save it for the wankers behind you. They’re leaving.”

We wait two minutes before we follow.

The second they step foot out of the building, the two of us grab the four of them from behind. They’re so fucking shocked that they don’t even try to fight us as we drag them behind the boiler room and into the shadows.

“Did you want to repeat the shit you were chatting about back in the restaurant?” I bark as four pale faces stare back at the two of us.

“U-uh…” one stutters.

“Just repeating what we heard, man,” another says, finding some confidence.

“So someone else was saying he was going to move closer in the hope of getting a blowy in class, were they?” Alex barks, recognising the kid as the one who was happily announcing that shit for everyone to hear.
