“Elliot, please. I need more,” I shout. Then he buries his face in my pussy, alternately licking and sucking on me until I burst. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt. My pussy is quaking with the aftershocks of his amazing oral skills. I don’t want to know how he’s so good at it, but I believe him when he says he’s a virgin. Then he does it all over again. He uses two fingers to gather my cream and runs them over my clit. He puts his mouth on me again and shoves two fingers into my pussy hole and uses another to tease my ass. Fuck, he’s way to good at this. How do people like get up and do mundane things like go to work or the grocery store after something as life affirming as this happens?

“You look insanely beautiful when you come, Sue Ellen.”

“Thank you, I think,” I say giggling.

“You’re most welcome, love. Not too bad for the first time, was it?” He grins and my eyes widen. It’s like he’s in my head or something.

“What do you look like when you come?” I ask as he climbs between my still spread thighs.

“I have no idea. You will have to tell me,” he growls as he grips his bare cock. I probably should be thinking about stranger danger and diseases, but I am not. Somehow, I know in my soul that this man would never hurt me. The only thought running through my head is babies. His babies growing inside me. “Are you sure about this Sue Ellen? Once I take you, I am not letting you go.”

“Fuck, yes. I am sure. Claim me in the name of Elliot Cole,” I tell him, remembering his earlier joke. I start to giggle but stop when he strokes his cock while staring at me. He’s not even touching me, but I am writhing in anticipation for the inevitable touch.

“You’re mine, Sue Ellen. You got that?” he asks, his voice demanding.

“Yes,” I tell him. I wish he’d hurry up and do it. Make me his. Make me a woman. Make me a wife. Make me a mother. So much rides on this moment. Our first moment as lovers. And I do love him, as crazy as it sounds. I could blame it on sleep deprivation, but that would be a fucking lie. It’s love. Crazy, sure but head over heels, love that lasts forever love. The first jolt of electric energy as he settles between my thighs and guides his cock through my wet pussy lips before stuffing me full of him. I cry out in sheer delight as he punches through my cherry in one hard thrust.

Then he starts moving and I see stars. I have never been this close to another person and I want more of it. He’s deep inside of me and looking down into my eyes. He palms my tits, pulling on my nipples. Why do I like that little bit of pain so much? It’s like my overly sensitive nipples are directly connected to my clit. Who knew? Wrapping my thighs around his waist, I dig my heels into his firm ass.

“Jesus, Sue Ellen. Your cunt is gripping my cock so fucking hard. Milking me. You want me to fill your womb up?”

“Oh God. Oh, hmmm. Yes. Fill. Me. Up. Give me babies. So many babies,” I shout.

“Fuck. You just sealed your fate, little girl,” he says through clenched teeth. Reaching between our smashing bodies, he finds my clit and flicks it hard before stroking it. I come again, every single nerve in my body going off like lightning. I feel his dick get impossibly thicker before erupting, coating my walls with his life-giving essence. He’s still hard when he rolls us over, so that I’m on top. I ride him, pretending I know what the hell I’m doing. Front to back, side to side, I rock as he thrusts up into me. I feel like I am in a never-ending orgasm.

“I, I, oh fuck. Sh-hi-ttt,” I pant, still bouncing on him. I feel like a queen or something. This is my throne, type of thing. “I love you,” I finally blurt out as I come again.

Did I just tell him that I loved him? Oh God. You’re supposed to hide your crazy, not blurt it out like an asshole.

I bury my face in his chest, not wanting to let him go. His hands tangle in my wild blonde hair and he tugs me back. I bite my bottom lip as we stare at each other. He seriously looks like the bearded God of working out and worshiping the sun.

“How’d you get a name like Sue Ellen?” he asks. My shoulders sag a little. Did I really expect him to proclaim his love for me when we haven’t even known each other for two hours? I hold back tears as I realize I did expect it.