When he finally crawled into bed and tugged me to rest my head on his chest, I fell asleep to the sound of his rhythmic breathing.



I had no desire to go shopping, but having already arranged the date with Chiara, there was little choice in the matter. Lino and Emilio stood off to the side, Lino undoubtedly warning Emilio that if he lost me again, he'd strangle him judging by the fury on my husband's face. Chiara seemed blissfully ignorant to the tense conversation, waiting next to the car while they had it out. Her hand rubbed over her little belly, and I realized I couldn't wait for the day when I had a bump.

When I could openly rub my stomach, and no one would think twice or ask stupid questions. "Lino threw out my birth control," I confessed, and she turned startled eyes up to me.

She giggled furiously. "Oh God, what is it with Bellandi men?"

"At least Lino had the sense to make sure he did it in front of me. I guess at least I know what the manipulative bastard is up to unlike poor Ivory. I can't imagine what that must have felt like."

Chiara shrugged in response. "Being with men like ours, it's not a normal relationship. They can do what they want, when they want, and there's very little we can do about it. B

ut there's something to be said for not having to stress about the kinds of decisions most married couples’ debate, I think. I never have to wonder if he'll support me in a decision or if he'll resent me for it, because the asshole will let me know the minute I try to do something he doesn't like."

I laughed outright, jumping when Lino came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He watched his sister stroke her belly, and his fingers tightened on mine before they rubbed despite the impossibility of a pregnancy so soon.

"Be good," he murmured, kissing my cheek before he released me.

"I'll only spend half your money," I teased, holding up the black credit card he'd handed me that morning. "I plan on spoiling that baby. She's gotta love her Aunt Samara the mostest." His eyes warmed.

"In that case, spend it all. Just tell her it's from Uncle Lino too, yeah?" Chiara giggled, accepting the hug and kiss to the forehead that he gave her. "Samara doesn't like shopping. I expect you'll show her how it's done."

"Oh, you can count on me for that," she responded, stepping into the car as Emilio held the door open for her. I blew Lino a kiss before darting in after her, only to be thwarted when Lino's hands wrapped around my waist and hauled me back.

Screaming with laughter, I swung my hands behind me until he set me to my feet. "Where's my damn kiss?"

"Up your ass, that's where!" From the car, Chiara laughed hysterically. Emilio cleared his throat, averting his eyes as Lino grinned down at me. "Don't be such a Neanderthal."

Shaking his head briefly, he leaned down and kissed me sweetly, gently. Until his teeth bit down on my bottom lip in a nip that made me want to go back into the house with him. "Not fair," I pouted, and he patted my ass when I turned and climbed into the car. Emilio climbed into the passenger seat, letting Chiara's driver take us to the shops where I'd never bothered to attempt before. Even when Connor had insisted I dress appropriately to reflect on his family, I hadn't shopped high end. His trust fund tastes hadn't matched my bank account.

Now it seemed I didn't have anything to worry about, but I wondered if I'd ever shake the mentality that I didn't have enough money. The North Michigan shops located on Michigan Avenue on the Magnificent Mile had always seemed out of reach. Always been out of reach. Changing who I was and my more low-end tastes seemed absurd. Lino had fallen in love with my legging wearing ass, and he'd stay in love with me that way. I knew I'd only shop for high end clothes when I needed them for work or events with Lino, but I felt more likely to have him arrange a personal shopper.

Shopping was miserable.

I never would have guessed there might be a baby store there, but I guessed the women who shopped in those stores would or could be mothers too, even if they seemed like they belonged to another world.

"I've never seen Lino so happy," Chiara commented, and I smiled at her.


"Yeah. You've always done that for him though. I'm so glad the two of you finally pulled your heads out of your asses and got your shit together," she said, and I was shocked by how straightforward she seemed. The girl I knew before had been bookish and quiet. Totally and completely drowned and suffocated by her father's rules and stipulations for her life.

"Married life seems to be treating you well," I commented.

She giggled happily. "I got so lucky. When Gabriele arranged the marriage, I thought for sure he'd condemned me to a life with a man three times my age and cruel. The fact that I ended up with someone who grew to love me and encourage me is a miracle. Hopefully our kids won't have to go through what I did, with the arranged marriage. I can't imagine Lino or Matteo even supporting such an archaic concept when they refused to accept matches of their own."

"They seem intent on creating a new kind of family." I admired them for it, that some of their closest family weren't related by blood or marriage at all and they still had the utmost trust in each other. Much more trust than they had with their actual blood, that was for sure.

Chiara's driver pulled up in front of the building, and Emilio hopped out to take us in while he parked the car. "I'll meet you up there," he commented to Chiara, and she nodded with a smile. She trusted the man's judgment to leave her with Emilio and given that Lino had hired him to look after me I had to agree with the assessment.

Even if there was something off in the way he seemed to get lost in thought when he looked at me as he helped me out of the car.

I knew I should mention it to Lino, but it didn't feel hostile. If anything, it just seemed confused. Like he didn't quite know what to make of me.

Since I returned the sentiment, I just gave him a reassuring smile and stepped up next to Chiara to chat as we walked.