Of being valued. Precious.

"If I ever see you look at her too long, let alone touch her, I'll put you in the ground myself. Do you understand me?"

"Lino!" I gasped, because even I knew that took it too far. Threatening death over a hand on the waist, that was a bit much, even for my twisted-up brain.

"You're crazy, dude," the investor laughed. "But okay, I'm not interested in another man's woman anyway. Plenty of fish in the sea." When he went to leave, Lino reached out a hand and pressed it into his chest to halt him in place. He looked down at where Lino touched him, raising a brow before hissing his own attempt to be intimidating. "Don't fucking put your hands on me."

"Like you did to my wife? Do you have any idea what kind of shit you just landed yourself in, Miller?" Lino asked, shocking me with his knowledge of the investor’s name.

Keeping my distance seemed smart, so I stayed just a little behind Lino where he'd left me when he stepped into Miller's path. "How the Hell do you know my name? Your little wife been talking about me?"

"We Bellandi's tend to know everything that happens with our wives, including what clients step into this office. I can safely say that Samara has never once mentioned your name, but you did come up as a flag on the file my security guy ran for me. You've got quite a reputation for putting your hands where they aren't wanted. Several women have filed harassment suits," Lino growled. "My wife will not be one of them, because I will ruin you and then bury you if you ever touch her again. Now tell me I'm crazy again, or are you finally taking me seriously?"

"I, yeah, Mr. Bellandi. You've got it."

"Mr. Miller, is there a problem?" Jasper finally asked, stepping out the door of his office and glaring at Lino's hand on his client with a glacial look that could kill.

"No, problem, Jasper. Mr. Miller was just leaving," Lino answered for the man who scurried around Lino's outstretched hand and fled through the open door. I smiled at Jasper awkwardly, and he just rolled his eyes at me before stepping back into his office. "Let's go," Lino grunted. "Time to go home."

"Let me just shut down and make a note for the morning," I agreed, stepping around him and going to my desk. Lino paced back and forth, and I sat in my chair with an amused smirk. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were jealous," I noted, glancing up at him through my lashes. I chewed on the end of my pen, considering what I'd need to wrap up in the morning that I didn't accomplish today because of Mr. Miller's interference.

"You could at least not chew on your pen like you have an oral fixation, Samara. Fuck," he grunted in response. "I'm buying you new work clothes. Black potato sacks," he added as an afterthought. The comment made me glance down at my entirely appropriate long-sleeved black top and royal blue pencil skirt.

"I like my clothes," I argued.

"So does the entire male population that steps foot in this office," he grunted in dismay. Our conversation halted when Jasper stepped out of his office and escorted his last client to the door.

"Keep your testosterone out of my office, Bellandi. I mean it," Jasper said, pointing a finger at Lino bravely. I had to wonder if he felt like his connection to me protected him from Lino's wrath, since it would take one phone call and I knew Lino could dispose of Jasper in a heartbeat. "I told you that I couldn't have his bullshit affecting my business," he turned to me.

"I know—" I sighed, ready to apologize for the fact that Lino had been out of line.

Even if I liked it.

"He touched her. You're cool with that then?" Lino asked.

"Of course not, but Samara is entirely capable of handling the situation herself. She's done just fine over the last few years she's been working here." I grimaced, because fuck that had been the wrong thing to say.

"That happen a lot?" he asked.

"Not a lot, but I'm a young, female secretary. Men are pigs."

"Either you figure out a w

ay to handle this, or she'll have security up here with her all day, every day, Jasper. I need to know that you have her back," Lino hissed, taking my hand and pulling me up from my chair. Shoving my purse into my hands, he guided me toward the door.

"I'll handle it," Jasper sighed, pinching his nose between his fingers. "Even if you are being ridiculous."

"I can't wait for the day that you give a shit about a woman, and I can rub it in your face," Lino said with a grin. "The day comes for all of us, and I will very much look forward to telling you that I told you so." I waved goodbye as he led me out of the office.

"Lino—" I tried hesitantly.

"Nobody puts their hands on you. Do you understand me? If someone is giving you trouble, you call me or Emilio or I swear to God Samara—"

I leaned up, pressing my lips to his to silence his tirade. "Okay," I agreed.

He eyed me suspiciously, like he couldn't quite believe it had been that simple. I didn't know why. It wasn't like I was that difficult. "Nobody touches me as long as the same goes for you."

"Same goes for me, Little Dove," he agreed, kissing me again, and we continued down the hall to the elevators.