"No. I don't want you to get involved," I argued.

"Little Dove—"

"Do not Little Dove me."

His features softened, which was always the unintended consequence when I stood up to him. "You never told me what made you file for the divorce."

I pursed my lips, nibbling on one corner and deciding on what I might tell him to justify the seemingly abrupt decision. "He started gambling, was gone most nights. I just don't want to live my life like that, wondering where he is. If the money is really going to gambling or if it's going to hookers or blow. And then wondering if it even matters. That's not the life for me."

“Christ, Samara. You should have told me.” His face twisted into a pained expression, and I reached out a hand to grasp his in mine. I gave him a small smile to reassure him. “You should have told Yavin.” The mention of my brother was sobering, because I knew exactly what it would cost the two most important men in my life if they knew the truth.

The real truth.

And it terrified me.

"What could you have done? My marriage failed. Even if I sent you to stalk him and find out what he was up to, the moment I needed to send you to spy on him would have been the end. I won't be with someone I can't trust, financially, emotionally, and sexually." His hand spasmed, and I fought back my laugh. "Now can we please for the love of God just enjoy our lunch? Please?"

"Anything for you, Little Dove," he whispered, and my heart clenched in my chest at the words I wished were true. I fought back the resentment I felt.

He'd do anything for me.

Except give me him.



My employees skirted away from me as I made my way across the empty club floor. Normally, I might have cared to present a better, friendlier, persona.

But in that moment, I did not give the first fuck.

"What's wrong, Lino?" one of the new bartenders asked, stepping up next to me and hurrying to keep my pace in her sky-high heels. She was still training, and I cast a glance over her shoulder briefly to find the manager who should have occupied her time.

My feet froze in place as I spun to glare down at her. "What did I tell you about calling me that? I’m your boss. You are to address me as Mr. Bellandi."

She looked up at me through her eyelashes, not seeming to realize she hadn't earned the right to the familiarity she seemed to think we had. I wasn't dumb enough to think she hadn't heard the rumors I was in the habit of screwing my employees. It didn't change the fact that the rumors were bullshit, especially since I'd spent the last ten months not screwing anybody. “You seem tense. I could help you with that.” The sultry smile on her barely legal face did nothing but annoy me.

"Proposition me again, and you're fired. I am not just a walking dick for you to use to get off. Get yourself a vibrator and call it a day." I stormed off to the sound of her gasp behind me, not paying any attention to the huff of laughter that echoed from the sidelines where my more intelligent employees deftly avoided my simmering rage.

No one else dared to stand in my way as I climbed the steps up to the offices. As soon as my feet hit the second floor, my eyes darted over to meet Enzo's hazel ones. The powerhouse of a man leaned against the door of his office with his arms crossed over his chest, grinning at me like some kind of evil shithead who enjoyed my suffering far too much for comfort.

"How's Samara?" he asked, eyes twinkling with mischief that only brightened in the face of my glare.

"Shut the fuck up."

"That good, huh? She divorced yet? I think your dick might fall off from lack of use if she doesn't hurry it along." My feet stayed planted to the floor just in front of the top step.

"Can we maybe not talk about my dick?"

"Aw, she's giving you delicate sensibilities. That's cute."

"Enzo," I warned.

"Seriously, though. How's she doing?"

"Your interest in my woman does not give me the warm fuzzies." I took a few steps down the hall, making for my office. He followed even as I sighed in annoyance. The man was relentless.

"You're a menace. You need to get laid for all our sakes." I shrugged, because even I couldn't argue with that. Only Samara could reduce me to a celibate puppy, but she was worth every bit of the wait. I wouldn't touch her until she was free and clear of that piece of shit ex of hers.