No matter how many times I told myself those same words, wincing when Ryker gunned the car and we sped off, I didn't believe them. Not for one second.

“She’ll be okay,” Ryker said, but even he didn’t believe that. “She’s tough.” At least the latter was true.

But fuck. If anything happened to her, I'd burn the world to the ground.



The grass seemed to poke through the spandex of my workout leggings. They were the only pair I owned still, and I needed to invest in more, if I would keep up with the weekly sessions with Sadie after Lino dealt with Connor. Even though my entire body had hurt after the first couple, I found myself looking forward to the next one now. To the addictive rush of energy that followed the hard work out. I loved the way my body hardened to a more solid mass that still looked like me, and I loved the reaction of the men at the gym when I managed to do a move Sadie taught me.

Eventually, I fully expected to let her teach me to kick box. The gym was mostly filled with male boxers, but Sadie thoroughly advocated kickboxing for any of her female clients since it provided a whole-body workout. After Lino left, I'd pushed myself right out the door. I needed the distraction, needed to not think about the fact that he may endanger himself to protect me.

If he was caught because of me I'd never forgive myself.

If he was killed because of me, I'd die right along with him.

Jumping up into downward dog, I reveled in the stretch I felt through my spine, pushing it harder and harder until I felt languid. Yoga always relaxed me, and I'd enjoyed that, but it was an entirely different kind of exhilaration than it felt to workout with Sadie and enjoy the energy that came with it.

Since the entire property was fenced in, I hadn't bothered to go to the backyard. The pool we hadn't had a chance to use took up most of it, and since it was only March it seemed unnecessary. I'd found a spot in the front where the sun hit me full force, enjoying the rare sixty-degree day for the anomaly it was. I had an unobstructed view of the gate opening, and I stood from my position to watch.

It seemed too early for Lino to return, so I had to wonder if maybe he'd sent Ivory or someone to keep me company. I smiled, thinking of how thoughtful it would be, but the smile faded from my face at the sight of the unfamiliar car. It wasn't the SUV Scar drove when he brought Ivory around, and it wasn't the town car I'd gone shopping with Chiara in.

A well-used Ford pulled through the gates, and they closed behind the car as it stopped at the top of the driveway. Apprehension slid down my spine when Emilio stepped out of the booth, he operated the gate from, crossing his arms over his chest and watching the driver's door of the Ford open up.

One suit clad leg came out slowly. Then another.

By the time Connor's blond head came out from the seat and he stood to full height, I felt like I'd swallowed my heart. My eyes went to Emilio, who had started to close the distance between us in a smooth, steady stalk. He stopped within speaking distance, but never made a move to touch me. "Gabriele sends his regards."

My heart shuddered in my chest, the feeling of betrayal making me queasy as I stared at him. Lino had trusted him to protect me. I’d trusted him.

Connor made his way to me, his face as thunderous as the last time I'd seen him, as fixated on me somehow being the answer to his problems. The problems he created himself, the problems that had led us down a vicious spiral in our marriage until I'd taken the brunt of his frustrations.

I turned, fleeing for the house. I had to hope that if I could just get inside, maybe Emilio didn't have a key. Even if he did, I could get to the panic room in the basement. Lino never mentioned it after the first time he'd brought me to the house, but I never forgot it was there. Never forgot how to engage the locks and shut myself away.

I'd never forget something so important.

Connor followed, sprinting after me. I cursed my shorter legs, pushing them harder when he made up distance between us too quickly. The grip of his arm on mine felt like it damn near ripped my arm out of socket, but I pushed through. "Get in the car, Mara." I kicked at his knee, swinging his arm around like Sadie had taught me and driving him to his knees.

Then I ran. I ran faster than I'd ever run in my life. My arms and legs pumped desperately. The weight that collided with my side sent me sprawling to the ground, and Emilio came down on top of me. His legs straddled my hips, his hands clasping my wrists at the side of my head to pin me. My breath came in a shuddering pant, and I tried to tune out Connor as he whimpered on the ground where I'd left him. He acted like I'd broken his arm, moaning in pain when I probably hadn't even dislocated the damn thing.

"Lino will kill you slowly, you know," I hissed, using the words as a distraction. "And Matteo will watch."

"They'll never know. You'll be long gone by the time they get back from the little stunt we arranged, and I will be conveniently unconscio—" His words faded into a shout, when I jerked my arms down to my hips and thrust my hips up in one move.

The first few times I'd done it had felt like patting my head and rubbing my tummy, but after practicing more times than I could count, it came as second nature. The force of my hips combined with the sudden loss of support at his hands threw him off balance, and he propelled forward to smack his face on the ground.

But he was still on top of me.

Still trapping me, and he'd have taken my nose with him if I hadn't turned my head at the last second. I clung to his waist, hooking the legs that I'd freed around his so that I could spin him to his back and jab my elbow into his already busted up face.

If I got away, if I survived, I'd kiss Sadie.

I'd owe her my life.

"Fucking bitch!" Emilio roared, grabbing my ankle as I stumbled to my feet. I went down, barely stopping my face from hitting the ground.

The shoe to my side sent such an intense pain through my torso that there was no breath.