
Isa stepped out of the basement, closing the door behind her and leaning her forehead against it as the breath left her body. I gave her the moment, stepping up and rubbing soothing circles on her back. Her hands and clothes were free of blood, and the distinct sound of Odina’s shrill screams coming from the basement when the door had been open left little doubt to the fact that my wife hadn’t been able to follow through.

That was okay, because I would always be strong enough to do what it took to keep her safe. Even if she wasn’t.

“I’ll take care of it,” I grunted, wincing when she grabbed my hand in hers. Her glassy eyes stared up at me, and she guided me away from the kitchen and toward the hallway that led to our bedroom. It felt like it had been so long since we’d lain in our own bed together, since we’d made love in our own space.

“You can’t,” she murmured when we stepped into the open living room. “I wouldn’t want to hold it against you, but I don’t know that I could ever let go of it. Not really.” The admission hurt, knowing that something would hang over our heads even if it was done for her protection.

“What am I supposed to do, Isa? We can’t let her go free. Not after what she’s done and what I’m sure she’ll do again, given the first opportunity. She has to die,” I told her, touching my forehead to hers lightly.

She stared up at me, and I watched those green eyes process and look for other options where there were none. “She doesn’t necessarily have to be dead. Just not free,” Isa said, swallowing as if she couldn’t believe her words.

“You can’t honestly expect us to keep her here with us. After everything she’s done, I don’t want her anywhere near you or the baby,” I argued, feeling harshness snap onto my face. I wouldn’t risk her for anything. Especially not for her delicate sensibilities regarding the sister who didn’t deserve her protection.

“No,” Isa agreed. “I don’t want her anywhere nearyoueither. Isn’t there somewhere we could send her? Someone who could...look after her?”

“You mean someone who could lock her up and keep her cared for without hurting her?” I considered my options, running through them silently, before I nodded. “I have a friend in Peru. I trust him. I don’t like it. I want her to suffer, but if it will make you happy, I’ll call him in the morning.”

“Please, Rafe. This is the only way that her death won’t hang over us like a black cloud. I just want to move on and put it all behind us.”

“Anything for you,mi reina,” I said, letting her walk backward. My ankle twinged with pain, but it wasn’t broken after all and supported my weight as she led me to our bedroom.

The satisfied smile that transformed her face made it all worth it when she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her dress over her head slowly. The fabric fell to the floor when she tossed it to the side, reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra and toss it to join the dress. Her shoes were next: a pair of flat flip flops Montana had given her so she could be comfortable on the plane.

The panties she pushed down her legs came last, revealing every inch of her body to my gaze as she watched me wrestle for control.

After everything she’d been through and everything that could have happened, she deserved someone who could be gentle with her and not maul her like an animal. But I was overcome with the need to drive inside her, to feel her pussy wrapped around my cock andrut.

She seemed to sense the battle within me, no trace of insecurity on her face as she closed the distance between us once more and touched the button at the top of my shirt. “I want you,” she murmured, staring up into my eyes with the mesmerizing stare that had always taken my breath away—even before I was smart enough to see it for what it was. “You won’t hurt me.”

I pounced, shoving her hands away and tearing my buttons open as my lips crashed down on hers. I invaded her mouth, conquering her in the way that I hadn’t been able to for so long. Her hands worked my pants open, pushing them down my legs furiously as if she was as desperate to feel my skin on hers as I was.

I kicked them off my feet, fumbling momentarily with my hurt ankle. By the time I stripped them off entirely and my cock bobbed up toward my stomach, Isa had perched on the bed and backed into the center. Legs spread, pussy already gleaming for me, she crooked that single wicked finger and summoned me toward her.

Where she went, I would always follow. Where I went, I would drag her kicking and screaming. Such was the volatile, toxic nature of the love we shared that few could understand.

It wasn’t built on hearts and flowers, but forged in blood and fire. Consuming everyone who dared to get in the path we set, we’d burn the world to the ground before we allowed anything to separate us.

I crawled between her legs, the heat of her enveloping me as she wrapped them around my hips. We fused our mouths together, sharing breath as my hands roamed over her sides and cupped her breast.

She gasped when my thumb stroked over her nipple, her back arching and pussy grinding against me in her need. There might have been a time when Dima’s breath filled her lungs, but it was me who owned her body and soul. It was me who lurked inside her brain and claimed her heart.

She tilted her hips ever so slightly, running her wetness over my cock until the head notched at her entrance. Later, I would wish that I had her taste on my tongue.

Later, I would devour her entire body until she was a throbbing mess of need.

For this moment, I drove inside, taking her more roughly than I should have. Her body clenched around my invasion, pulsing as the force of her desire crashed over me. A better man would have stopped, would have given her time to recover from the harsh possession before battering at her pussy and taking it as his.

But I was not a better man.

I covered her body with my weight more fully, lifting her hands above her head and pinning them to the mattress beneath her. Carefully avoiding the bandages at her wrist so I didn’t hurt her in ways I had no interest in, I plunged in and out of her depths.

Her cries of pain mixed with ecstasy only fueled me on, driving me to fuck her harder. To remind her that she belonged to me and me alone. Just as I was hers alone. I shifted her hands to one of mine, using the free one to grasp her around her jaw and squeeze until she opened her mouth to mine. I devoured her mouth with mine, kissing her like there may not be a tomorrow or a future for us.

Because there nearly hadn’t been.

She gasped into my mouth, her orgasm washing over her with the relentless drives of my cock through her tender insides as my pelvis rubbed against her with every thrust. I fucked her through it, shoving away my own orgasm for just a few more minutes inside the heaven of her body.

When it finally claimed me, I roared out with the release that sucked the cum from my balls and finished inside my wife.

Many would look at our relationship and pity the woman for what I’d done to her, but anyone who knew us well enough understood the one simple truth.

Isa had owned me from that very first stare.

When my breathing returned to normal, I gatheredmi reinain my arms and strode for the bathroom and the shower that waited for both of us. Desperate to wash Russia off our skin entirely, I set to doing just that.