“You didn’t really think he had no one to keep an eye on you from the inside, did you?” Dimitry asked, smirking at her with more warmth than he usually afforded. The only hints of anything resembling affection from him had been aimed his wife’s way, but I knew without question that whatever had happened in Pavel’s estate, Dimitry liked my wife.

“So why not just get me out?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest and giving him a challenging glare. “You weren’t very helpful, were you?”

“How far do you think one man and a woman would get before Pavel’s dogs found us? Escaping without taking out the source of the problem was never going to be a solution. I was supposed to get you somewhere safe to wait out the invasion, but you and Faye just had to go and do something stupid,” he grunted.

“Oh, so I was supposed to just let him shoot down the plane I thought my husband was on?”

“Yes,” Dimitry said. “It was a drone and there was no one on board. Nothing but a distraction.”

Isa pursed her lips, considering something. “I still don’t regret stabbing him in the eye,” she said.

“And you shouldn’t. You wouldn’t bemi reinaif you did,” I said, stepping into the house and letting the medic tend to my ankle and bandage the burns while the other continued to ask Isa questions. She deemed her pregnancy as safe as it could be given the circumstances, the stress of the events more dangerous than any injuries she’d suffered.

“You said something about Pavel’s dogs?” Isa asked, looking back to Dimitry with a funny expression on her face. For a moment, I thought she was concerned about them in the fire and collapse of the building.

Dimitry nodded. “He has to keep them in one of the smaller buildings. Dima’s terrified of the things,” he said, shaking his head with a laugh. “Can’t exactly blame him, given what Pavel uses them for.”

“What are you thinking,mi reina?” I asked, tilting my head to the side through the sting of ointment being applied to my other burned ankle and shin.

“Dima likes to use a person’s worst fear against them,” she said, turning her cold gaze my way. The green of her stare glittered with something cruel, darkness lingering in the depths. “He’s mine to kill.”

Despite the pain of my burns being wrapped, a demented smile claimed my face as I followed her line of thought. “You’re my vicious little nightmare,” I purred, shifting my leg as the medic finished with the worst of the burns. Isa smiled at me, the first hints of a mood more normal for my wife filling her face. “I love it.”

“And I love you, my devil,” she said, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to my lips. I needed to get her somewhere completely safe, to bury myself inside the brutal, twisted woman that matched me so perfectly. But in spite of the doctor’s confidence that there were no signs for concern, I knew she needed to rest.

She needed to heal from the injuries that had taken root on the inside and recover from the fear that must have been all-consuming from the moment she woke up without me.

Besides, there were a few last matters of business to tend to before I could feel her writhing beneath me, and I wanted to do it as far away from the Kuznetsov’s horror house as I could. “Why don’t you go get washed up first?” I asked, nodding my head toward Montana.

Isa nodded, looking more than pleased to wash the blood and dirt from her skin. Something about knowing what she had planned for her would-be rapist and knowing she would carry out those plans looking pristine made the monster inside me rage with the need to fuck her afterward.

To be the one to dirty her up all over again.

She kissed me once more, making her way up the stairs with Montana to shower and change. Something in me clenched the moment she was out of my sight, fearing the worst. Aaron nodded, following the girls up the stairs as if he could sense my torment in her absence.

“Well, that solves what to do with Dima,” Dimitry laughed, shaking his head from side to side as if he couldn’t quite decide if he was impressed or horrified. “What about Pavel?”

“I have something in mind,” I said, grinning as I started to lay out my plan for the elder Kuznetsov.

If I had it my way, he would live for a very long time.

He’d just wish he was dead.