“Why is what I have done worse than what he did? You believe he loves you, do you not?” he asked, and I couldn’t bring myself to answer the second question. I believed against everything that Rafe loved me with everything he was.

But Dima couldn’t know that for certain without putting both of us more at risk.

“You sell people. That is all I need, to know that you and Rafe are different. That is a line I will never tolerate crossing—”

“Has he shown you how he murdered my brothers? How he carved them up and sent home pieces of them for my father to unwrap?” Dima growled.

I leaned forward, staring into the camera intently and willing him to understand that I wasn’t the innocent victim I knew he thought me to be. “Not exactly,” I said confidentially. “But he showed me how it felt to sink a knife into Maxim’s heart. He taught me what it meant to watch the life bleed from his eyes. What part of him did Rafael send back to you after I killed him?”

Dima froze on the screen, his lip twitching as if he might roar his outrage from the other side of the world. But then the corners of his mouth tipped up, and a dark laugh erupted from his throat.

“Oh, ??? ?????,you are everything I ever hoped you would be.”