
The twisted little smile on Isa’s face took my breath away, watching with rapt attention as she moved her pieces with clear focus and determination. Her eyes gleamed and she bit her lip every time she studied the board to choose her next move. I moved my knight, taking the pawn she’d unknowingly put into my path and waiting for the moment she realized I was three moves from taking her Queen. She moved one of her pawns, sitting back in the chair like the Queen she was and it was her throne.

“Checkmate,” she said, holding my eyes as I furrowed my brow, then I glanced down at the board again. She cocked her head to the side, smirking at me so arrogantly that I could feel it as I realized what she’d done. With my King pinned behind in all directions but the diagonal where she’d trapped me with her Queen, I couldn’t move to escape her play.

The game hadn’t been short, a group of pieces set to either side of the board as we’d conquered one another. But she’d won.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d lost at chess, but I hadn’t even seen her spring the trap. Let alone maneuver me into it. I tipped over my King, giving her the acknowledgement she deserved.

The King had fallen to the Queen.

The look on her face communicated just how intent she had been as she unbuckled her seat belt and slowly stood. She stepped out from behind the table, approaching me in my seat until she touched firm hands to the back of the seat and swiveled it to face the aisle. It was so similar to what I’d done on our journey to Chicago, so intense a reversal of our roles that my heart beat faster inside my chest, my body thrumming with need.

I’d thought my unending obsession with Isa couldn’t get any more severe. That there were no corners of my being that didn’t belong to her, but as she stared down at me with fire burning behind her arresting eyes, I knew that hadn’t been true.

I had owned Isa, butmi reinawould possess me in truth.

She leaned forward, touching her lips to mine gently but keeping her eyes on me as she bit the plump flesh and touched her hand to the belt at my waist. I stilled her hand, only the concern for her and the baby’s health preventing me from letting her take what she wanted.

I was certain that the face of the commanding woman looking down at me could ask me for anything, and I would give it to her without question so long as it wouldn’t hurt her.

“We can’t—”

“I’m not planning to fuck you, my devil,” she murmured, nipping my lip again as her lips brushed softly over mine. She unfastened the belt and my pants, reaching her small hand inside and pulling me free. Squeezing me with a firm stroke from root to tip, Isa pulled a ragged groan from me at the feel of her flesh surrounding me.

The power of defeating the devil at his own game shone in her eyes as she watched me, filling her with the desire I knew so well. It came from the adrenaline of winning, from the sensation of knowing that she’d finally bested her opponent.

Even if I was no longer her enemy, there had been days when we’d spent more time deep in a battle of wills than wrapped in each other’s arms.

Those days were gone.

She dropped to her knees between my legs, working me slowly with her hand as she stared up at me. She leaned in, brushing her lips over my shaft with a smooth caress. Breathing slowly so that the slight and warm air tickled me, she nipped the side gently. My hips bucked of their own volition, seeking more contact with the way she teased me.

It wasn’t lost on me that it was the first time my wife had gone to her knees willingly, the first time she’d initiated sex between us at all, that I could recall. She may not have been happy about what I’d done with her sister, and I was sure that would haunt her in the coming days, but Isa knew one single truth.

We were inevitable, and fighting the connection between us was as pointless as trying to count the stars in the sky. I was hers, and she was mine.

Finally drawing me into her mouth, the wet heat of her tongue dragged over my skin as she worked me to the back of her throat. Her hand twisted as it rose and fell on the length that she didn’t take inside her, moving slowly and at the pace that she wanted.

My desperation from the days of abstinence after being inside her several times a day on a regular basis was too much, making my hips snap up toward her mouth. Wanting her harder, wanting her faster.

But she dug her nails into my thigh, glaring up at me as she shook her head and withdrew until only the tip of my cock remained inside her. Her message was clear.

She was in charge.

Settling back into my seat with a ragged groan, I watched her face as she worked me slowly. Her knees had to ache, her mouth had to grow sore from being stretched around me for so long, but she made no move to let me finish.

She worked me with experienced touches that came from knowing me and my body and what I liked, mimicking the way I tormented her when I wanted something from her. Pulling back until my cock sprang free from her mouth, she worked her hand over my shaft and slid through the wetness her mouth had left behind. “No more secrets,” she said, gripping me more firmly until I felt like I might finally explode around her. She pumped me again. “No more lies.”

“Mi reina,” I groaned, wanting nothing more than to fuck her face. She was injured, and she’d come to me, and that was all that kept me from taking what I wanted and saying to hell with her ultimatums.

“Say it,El Diablo,”she said with a stern look. “The only way I’ll let you come down my throat is if you promise me andmean it.”

The challenge brought the desire to prove her wrong. To remind her that no matter what games I allowed her to play when she was on her knees, there was only one person who was in charge of our fucking. I could grab her by the hair, shove my cock down her throat, and fuck her mouth until I filled her stomach with my cum.

But I didn’t, choosing to give her what I knew she so desperately needed. What I could finally offer her.Truth.“No more secrets,” I reaffirmed, even if everything inside me rebelled against the concession. Whether I’d intended it to be the case or not, part of me didn’t want Isa to win.