“Twenty miles out.”

“Excellent. Your new vehicle will be waiting when you wake up and the one, you’re driving now will be disposed of. You need anything?” I think for a moment.

“Yes. Have Delani’s send over some sandwiches.” I look over at Zoya and note she is still looking at me like I am her next meal.

“Are you allergic to anything?” I ask her wanting to make sure I don’t botch this before it even starts.

“No.” She says lifting her eyebrow in question.

“Will have food sent over. Did you find Kerkin?”

“No. We are still searching.”

“10-4. Stay alert,” he says reminding me to watch my back.

“I will. See you soon.” We hang up and I look over at her, about to tell her we need to call her brother, when I see she is leaning against the side of the door. Asleep. Looking at her as we sit at this stoplight, I vow to make her my all. To put her and our children before everyone else for the rest of our lives. Including ending those out to hurt her.

Chapter Four


Man, I am so exhausted, I think to myself as I stare at the two queen size beds in this tiny, but clean, motel room. There is the faint scent of lemons lingering in the room. It reminds me of my babushka’s house. Furniture polish if I am not mistaken.

I am torn between crawling into the soft, clean bed with glaringly white sheets and taking a shower. Taking a shower ultimately wins because I haven’t taken more than a whore’s bath with cold sink water for six freaking months. Danhy is carrying a shopping bag along with two matching black duffle bags.

“If there’s a toothbrush and a razor in there, I’m gonna love you forever,” I say totally meaning it too.

He grins setting everything on the bed closest to the door. Then he dumps everything from the shopping bag out. Going over to the bed, I notice a hairbrush, shampoo, conditioner, ponytail holders, a razor, body wash, a poufy sponge, toothbrush, toothpaste, and holy shit, deodorant. I grab everything up like a greedy child on Halloween and deposit it all on the counter in the bathroom. I put the shower stuff on the ledge of the tub and then brush my teeth. For ten whole minutes. Ugh. My gums are sore right now but it’s totally worth it. My teeth feel squeaky clean now, instead of hairy. During that time, I stare at my dark hair. It was once shiny and perfect, now it’s a rat’s nest and I don’t know if I’ll ever get it clean enough.

Without thinking about clean clothes or the fact that Danhy is standing in the doorway, I strip off all my disgusting clothes and throw them in the trash can. I never want to see them again. He clears his throat and my eyes snap up.

“I’ll leave you to it,” he says turning to go.

“Wait!” I all but shout. He turns around again.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, immediately looking and sounding concerned.

“Don’t go,” I say still standing naked in front of him. Despite barely eating, I managed to keep my curves. He eyes me up and down. I can tell his gaze is on my pussy. What a terrible moment to think about waxing. Though in my defense, waxing my kiska hasn’t been high on my to-do list.

“Girl, you are fucking killing me with that body,” he groans. I know I’m blushing, but I really think shyness is out the window at this point. He’s seen every inch of me and the look he’s giving me makes me weak in the knees.

“I’m filthy,” I reply which only makes him grin. I turn reaching to turn the water on. Soon, the room fills with steam. As I step into the shower, he takes a seat on the closed toilet lid. I moan as the water hits my head and cascades down my back.

“Pixie, baby,” he warns in yet another sexy growl.

“Sorry. The water feels so good,” I whine. He mutters something I can’t hear. I grab the shampoo and get to work on my disgusting hair. The water at my feet pools black before draining. Yuck. I wash and repeat until the water finally runs clean. Then I load up on conditioner, letting it sit, and move onto to washing my body. The soap smells amazing and after four full-body scrubs, I feel human again. I shave every spare hair off my body.

During this amazing process, one of which I’ll never take for granted again, I’ve used all the hot water. I rinse my hair but it’s still full of knots. Turning the water off, I pull back the shower curtain and take the towel Danhy hands me. I wrap it around my body and step out of the tub, practically into his strong, heavily muscled arms.