Her beautiful green eyes, though dull from her trauma, are still brilliant and calling to me. I have to restrain myself and remind my body that she doesn’t know she belongs to me yet. She looks at my hand and very subtly, takes it and allows me to pull her up. When she is off the floor and up against me, everything inside of me shifts. Holy fuck she is so tiny. She can’t be more than 5’2’ to my 6’0’. Jesus, I am going to have fun lifting her everywhere and against everything. Staring at her, I get lost in the hope in her eyes as she looks up at me. Before I can stop myself, I have whispered my new name for her.

“Pixie. My little Pixie. Let’s go home.” With that, I walk her out of the room, speaking into my comms.

“I got her guys. Let’s get out of here.” So, we can start the rest of our lives. I think to myself, finally holding the most important part of that life in my arms.

Chapter Two


I thought for sure that was it for me. For six months, I’ve been silently fighting for my life. So much so that I haven’t been able to grieve for my parents. They were murdered right before my eyes. There was nothing I could do as I was already subdued.

I don’t know what I was taken for, but it couldn’t have been for anything good. We’ve done nothing but move around from shithole to shithole. When we stopped earlier tonight, the mood shifted amongst my captors. They were rushing around and cursing in Russian. Then the big guy comes into the dark and damp room that I am being held in and starts manhandling me. I think he’s going to kill me. I almost welcome it, I am so exhausted. I am cowering in the corner where the bad man who smells of sweat and drink just ripped my shirt open when the door slams into the wall. I think that I am in shock. No one has ever dared to touch me before now, even here.

“Wrong woman, asshole,” a man says startling the man looming over me. When he turns away from me, the man in the doorway shoots him. Twice. He is dead before he hits the ground and I am more than okay with that. I don’t recognize him, my savior. He’s not from here. His accent surprises me. He sounds like a character from that Fargo movie I accidentally saw once. It is dark in the room but the light from the hallway illuminates him. He is big, bearded, and such a badass. Instantly, I am attracted to him and that’s saying something. He helps me up and pulls my shirt closed. My thighs involuntarily clench when he calls me Pixie. My pussy is so wet for the first time ever. Now, that Danhy’s by my side, I can start to process what’s happened to me. I know that I had it pretty good compared to some kidnapping victims, but I don’t want to be a victim. I am angry. So angry that I don’t know where to begin. So, for now, I’m starving. I think I can fix that. My parents are dead, and I want to see my brother, but everything inside of me is telling me that wherever Danhy is, is right where I am supposed to be. On the way out of the disgusting house I was held in, I step over the bodies of my captors. Then I get to the man who shot my parents. I gather he was in charge of this thing. I’ll admit I get some satisfaction at kicking his lifeless body as I walk past him, earning me a deep chuckle from Danhy. The sound washes over me causing me to shiver.

“Are you cold, Zoya?” He asks. I like Pixie better. Before I can answer, his dark green camouflage jacket is around my shoulders. It smells like man, sweat, and smoke but it’s not unpleasant. I’ll forever associate these scents with him.

“Thank you,” I say as we get into a really crappy car and drive away. I turn and look out the back of the car and see the house explode. Good riddance. I am not sure when I fall asleep, but when the car stops, I jolt awake. We are parked in front of a huge plane.

“You are safe, my Pixie,” Danhy murmurs in my ear.

“Where are we going?”

“Home,” he says simply.

On the plane, he feeds me. Actually, feeds me soup and delicious crusty bread.

“I know it’s not a lot, but I am not sure when you last ate a good meal, Zoya.”

“This is perfect. What happened to Pixie?” I ask, feeling bold.

“We’ll get back to that. You should get some rest. It’s a long flight. There is a bedroom in the back.”