“Y-yes. Yes, Sir. I feel it.” She moans, her pussy leaking all over me.

“That’s my pussy.” I say whispering into her ear before biting it. “You do as I say when it concerns my pussy and let me be clear. When it concerns you and your wellbeing, it concerns my pussy.” Smack. I hit her one more time before pulling her on and off me, hard and without apology. With each impact she moans and groans as the speed and force leave no room for negotiation.

“Danhy!” She calls out, trying to reach her own paradise, grabbing at my hands.

“That’s not what you call me. What do you call me little fairy?” My thumbs pushing at the two dimples in her back. My mind conjuring up images of the ink I want Kitty to put on her.

“Sir. Please sir. Please. May I come?” She asks her voice filled with a wispy need.

“NO! You may not. This is not for your pleasure. This, is for your defiance. But fuck, baby, the pleasure is all mine.” My head flies back as I feel the volcano filling up the tube. There is nothing like being inside her pussy. No matter the reason. Grabbing her ponytail with one hand, my other goes around her neck, bringing her back level with my chest as I bang out the last of my motions before the rupture. “I love you, baby. So fucking much. Everything I do is for your safety, and care. Do you understand?” She cries as she nods her head. Her tears are all it takes to bring me to my knees, usually. But in a situation like this, I need her to know I mean it. “Good girl. Hold still while I put my kid inside of you.” I say as I bite into her neck, grunting my release. My arms wrapped around the front of her, I hold her to me for a few minutes, not ready to let go.

After a few minutes, I note she begins to breathe easier, I know it is ok to release her so we can talk. Pulling out slowly, I tuck my cock back into my pants and reach for her only to see her fall to her knees in the kneeling pose. My initial reaction is pure pride. Seeing her, head bowed, hands on her thighs, as she awaits my instructions is every Dom’s greatest desire. However, I have always known I didn’t want or need a 24/7 sub. When we are being intimate, that is one thing. Also, me telling her to do something I believe will be good for her is also something different. But this, this, instance if you will, is something I reserve for the bedroom. I move to pick her up and tell her exactly that, when I note that her eyes are closed, and her face is…serene. She looks almost…at peace. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, I lift her chin.

“Open your eyes, Pixie.” I wait for her to do so. When she looks at me, I damn near fall back. Jesus. She looks ethereal. So fucking soft and billowy. “Explain why you are in this position right now, baby. I want to understand why, without orders, you chose this.” Her eyes leave mine for a moment, gathering her thoughts. When they finally come back to me, I can see the answer before she says it.

“It helps to center me, Sir. On my knees before you, I feel, my strongest. My most calm. I can’t really explain it.” She says her eyes never leaving mine. I simply nod, my throat feeling clogged by emotion. Chip Heart and I often had conversations about this very thing at club Stormy when we both used to frequent it as single men. Neither of us indulged in the many offerings, but we both went for the feeling of being surrounded by others like us.

Chip, is what I call a 24/7 Dom. His sub would have to be a woman who needed and wanted to be controlled and protected all the time. Turns out, he found her in Elizabeth McIntire. Surprisingly enough, she not only needs it, but she thrives on it. I have never seen her happier or more content than she is walking behind him. Me, I wanted mine to be self-sufficient and able to handle her own with or without me. I mean, considering I could get an assignment at any time that could take me away, I need her to be strong. But when we are together, she needs to be able to fall in line when commanded.

“Very well. I just want to be clear; I don’t expect this from you all the time. You know that don’t you?” I ask her moving some hair out of her face.

“Yes, Sir. I know that.”