"Or you could stay," he said.

I smiled, shaking my head. Even if he wasn't suspected to be a murderer, a man as wealthy as Rafe had no cares in the world. I couldn't put college on hold for a man I hardly, knew who would undoubtedly tire of me soon enough.

"I have to go home," I whispered, listening to the words as they echoed in the silence between us. It felt like a moment where my future was decided, like something snapped into place. As if we were always meant to find our way to this moment.

Leaning down, I snagged the handle of my suitcase. He stepped out of the closet, going to the balcony and grabbing my purse off the floor to hand it to me. Tugging on pants quickly, he watched me as I made my way to the door.

I drew in a deep breath as I prepared to make what felt like the biggest mistake of my life. Unlocking and pulling the door open, I accepted that it was the only choice I could make under the circumstances.

Even if it broke me.

Rafe caught my arm at the last possible moment, drawing me back into a kiss. His lips crashed against mine, his teeth bruising me as he devoured me brutally. The anger behind the contact faded quickly as I returned his passion, letting me coax him into a sweeter embrace that shocked me. I hadn’t expected him to allow such a meaningful contact in our goodbye, as if he would truly miss me. But if this was my last kiss with Rafe, I wanted to look back on it and feel loved for even just a moment.

I wanted to remember everything he gave me, and I had a feeling I'd never be able to forget it.

When I pulled away, he let me step through the door. It stayed open as I made my way across the hall and tears ran in rivulets down my face and soaked the front of my dress.

He didn’t stop me. He didn't chase me.

He didn’t call out to me or do anything as I pushed the button on the elevator. He didn’t even try.