I'd been determined to make her come before taking her, but the dark and perverse part of me wanted to already be inside her when she snapped back to reality. I circled her clit with my tongue, sliding a finger inside her wet heat and working her until I was sure she was wet enough for what would come.

I grabbed a condom from the drawer, shoving my shorts off awkwardly and working it down my length with a grimace. While I wanted nothing more than to have nothing between us, I wouldn't do it knowing Isa would want to take another morning after pill to deal with the potential aftermath. I couldn't make her love me if she constantly felt sick because of my actions, but as soon as we were back onEl Infierno, morning after pills would become an impossibility.

She clenched down on my fingers, burying a hand in my hair and pulling me tighter into her pussy. Chuckling against her clit, I withdrew my finger and slipped my hips between her legs. Watching her face as I slid inside her, she parted her lips on a ragged sigh and flung her eyes open to stare up at me. Her gaze was heated, her focus knowing even though she'd only just woken up.

"Rafe," she whispered, pulling me closer. There was no disappointment in her grip as her nails dug into my shoulders and I moved inside her. I thrust harder as she wrapped her legs around me to the best of her ability. She clung to me as I took her, making it easier for me as I rolled onto my back and kept us connected through the shift. She stared down at me in shock, her lips forming a shy pout at the change in position as I guided her to sit up.

"I want to watch you," I murmured, gripping her hips with both my hands as I guided her to move on me. She rolled them backward slowly as I watched her breasts bounce and sway with the steady motion. She took me back inside her, moaning when I pressed against her G-spot with the extreme angle.

Taking her hands in mine, I guided them to touch her breasts. She glanced down at them and bit her lip shyly, cupping them in her hands while I watched her ride my cock and play with her tits for me.

Isa would do anything I asked her to do. She would take anything I gave.

Because she was mine.

Reaching down to her clit, I stroked her while she rode me. Letting her do the work as she sought out her orgasm and used me to get it. Her face morphed with pleasure, her eyes closing slowly as she spiraled. "Eyes on me," I growled in warning. She flung them open, holding my gaze as she flushed. I rewarded her listening with a pinch to her clit, sending her shattering over the edge as she desperately tried to hold my gaze.

She collapsed on top of me in a heap, lifting her hips and doing her best to keep riding me through the climax that dominated her being. I laughed into her hair, pulling her off me and sliding her to her stomach on the bed. Shoving the pillows out of her face, I laid my body over the back of hers and slid my cock between her legs until I sunk deep inside her once more.

I covered her weight with mine lightly, lifting her arms up over her head and pinning her wrists together to hold her still as she lifted her tight little ass up to help me get deeper. "I think you like my cock," I grunted, pounding deep enough to make her cry out. "Don't you, Princesa?"

"Fuck," she whimpered, the response all but a direct confirmation. If I'd been less of a bastard, it might have been enough for me. But I was, and it wasn't.

"Tell me how much you love it when I fuck you," I grunted, holding her still as I slid a hand beneath her stomach to help her support the weight that I pounded into the bed with every thrust of my dick inside her.

"I love it," she whispered.

"You think you'll ever find somebody else who can give you this?" I asked, as my somewhat irrational jealousy took over all reason.

"No," she whimpered. "No one but you," she confirmed.

I nodded, touching my lips to her shoulder gently before sinking my teeth into her flesh. The intensity of my bite turned bruising, determined to mark her as mine for all to see as she cried out beneath me. The edge of pain made her come again, her pussy clenching down on me as she writhed in my grip. "Only me,mi princesa," I growled, fucking her furiously until my own climax tore me apart.

I kissed the mark I'd left with my teeth as I came down from the high of my orgasm, partially expecting her to condemn me for the brutality. But there was nothing but warmth and the afterglow of sex as I climbed off her and guided her to the shower so we could get ready for the day.

"There's no one for you but me," I whispered as she stood beneath the rainforest shower. She turned green eyes my way, smiling slightly as I willed her to understand one simple truth. I didn't just mean today or tomorrow.

I meant forever.

* * *

Isa walked at my side as we made our way down to the marina. Her steps were cautious as she stepped onto the wood. I hoped that by the end of the day, her paralyzing fear of water would be a thing of the past.

If she trusted me.

I stepped into the same speedboat from the night before, reaching out a hand to help her step into it gingerly. She wobbled into her seat, breathing out a heavy sigh as her ass touched the surface and she undoubtedly felt more stable. "Where are we going?" she asked, narrowing her eyes on mine.

"Telling you would ruin the surprise," I said, pushing off from the dock and taking my seat. I powered up the boat as she held on to whatever she could reach, easing away from the dock slowly in favor of making my way toward the mainland.

"I'm not such a fan of surprises," she said. I smiled at her briefly, turning my attention to navigating the few boats traveling close to shore as we left Ibiza behind us.

"You'd better get used to them," I told her, patting the seat next to me. She sighed, darting forward to change seats as if she didn't trust her balance. With her at my side, I rested my spare hand on her bare thigh as her floral sundress rode up her legs. She went quiet, the hint of a future making her freeze up as always.

If I didn't find a way to get her to open up, to force her to see me as a permanent staple in her life, I'd lose the connection we'd started to forge. I needed to find the key to Isa's responsibility to her family if I wanted to stand a chance in getting her to walk away from them.

"Tell me about your sister," I said. Isa drew in a deep breath, laughing on the tail end of it as she spoke louder than normal for me to hear her over the wind rushing beside us as I picked up speed.

"Odina has always been troubled," she said. "Rebellious. Carefree. The opposite of me. I couldn't really tell you much else about her to be honest. She hasn't talked to me except to yell at me for as long as I can remember."