My mother's warnings rang in my ears as I contemplated what she would have to say about the mystery man consuming my thoughts and tempting me to be reckless. "Does trouble have a name?"

"Rafe. What ismi princesa'sname?" he asked, the smooth notes of his voice pulling me to smile.

"Will you call me it if I tell you?" I teased, laughing when he leaned in and touched a hand to my face.

"Would you want me to?" he returned quickly.

I bit my lip, shaking my head. I contemplated giving a fake name, anything to make it easier to walk away and never see him again when all this ended. "Isa," I said instead.

"Isa," he murmured, leaning in to run his nose up the side of mine. His lips touched mine briefly while he held my eyes, nothing but a delicate brush of his soft flesh on mine. "Eres mia."

He touched his mouth to mine again, more firmly, his mouth tormenting me with a delicate tease that I couldn’t get enough of. I wasn’t even aware of moving closer. Of leaning into the touch and needing more, until he curled a hand beneath the curtain of my hair and held me still as he teased the seam of my lips with his tongue.

All my defenses dropped with just the feeling of his mouth on mine, his tongue inside me sparking me to life as I sucked back a ragged breath that felt like my first true one since the accident.

I was lost.