Page 43 of Until Lexi



Turning off the television, I slump back in the chair with a sigh.

I’m bored as hell, and I can’t stand the thought of sitting around to watch another movie. I’d work, but I’m all caught up on everything on my current list of cases. If Lexi wasn’t spending the day with her girls, I’d see what she’s up to and find a way to wiggle myself into her plans.

I’m a grown ass man, I should be able to find a way to entertain myself.

I think I’ll drive around and explore, see what Murfreesboro has to offer. Aside from a few restaurants, I haven’t been anywhere other than my rental, Lexi’s place, and the tattoo parlor. There’s gotta be something interesting to do around here. If nothing else, I’m sure I can find a gym. A workout is never a bad idea.

Game plan made, I head to the bedroom to change out of the sweats I’ve been lounging around in all day. Going out in public requires actual clothes, which is a damn shame.

I grab a tee and jeans from my duffle, making a mental note to find a laundromat while I’m out. I’m going to need to wash clothes soon, since I have no clue how much longer I’ll be in Tennessee. This time, at least. If I’m moving here, I’ll need to plan a trip down to Florida to pack up my apartment.

The thought of being in Tennessee permanently puts a smile on my face.

I throw on my clothes and head to the bathroom to tame my hair. A few feet down the hall, I backtrack and grab my hat instead. Hearing my phone ringing in the living room, I rush through the house to grab it, wanting it to be Lexi. Doesn’t matter that I saw her this morning and had her in my bed last night. I still want it to be her.

Of course, it’s not.

It’s a number not saved in my phone, probably one of those bullshit spam calls I get far too often. Not paying much attention since it’s obviously not Lexi, I silence the ringer and slip it to my back pocket. Seconds later, it starts ringing again.

Same number.

Murfreesboro area code.

“This is Jake,” I say after accepting the call.

“Jake. It’s Riley.”

It might be her tone, or it could be the fact that there’s not a good reason for Lexi’s sister to be calling me, but my spine straightens, body instantly going on high alert. No matter what it is, I’ve learned to trust my instincts, and they’re screaming.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, already glancing around the room to find where I left my keys. “Is Lexi okay?”

“I don’t know.” Her voice wavers, and my heart sinks to my stomach. “They were in a car accident. I got a call from the police, or the hospital… Fuck. I don’t know. They didn’t give me any details. I’m headed to the hospital, but I saw your card on the fridge on the way out and thought you would want to know.”

Spotting my keys on a side table, I cross the room in three long strides and snatch them up. “I’m on my way. Do you need a ride?”

“I got an Uber. I didn’t trust myself to drive.”

“Smart,” I say, locking up the house, briefly wondering if I should do the same. I nix the idea, knowing I can keep my emotions locked down until I get to Lexi. “Thank you for thinking to call me.”

“I know Lexi is important to you,” she murmurs. “I see how you look at her.”

A hint of a smile touches my lips, until I remember where I’m going.

“I’m getting in my car now,” I tell her. “I’ll find you when I get to the hospital.”

“I sent the address to your phone. See you soon, Jake.”

You’re a goddess, Riley.

I’m glad she had the forethought to send me the address because I hadn’t considered the fact that I have no idea where the fuck I’m supposed to go. Programming my GPS, I force myself not to think the worst, and drive.

It’s the longest ten-minute trip of my life.

Despite my best efforts, my brain runs a constant loop of scenarios through my head, each one significantly worse than the one before. Chills race down my spine when I think about my parents' accident, how I only told Lexi about it yesterday. What if…

No. Fuck that.

History is not going to repeat itself.

Not today.

I’m not going to lose Lexi.

I can’t.

I just found her.

Shutting that shit down, I focus on the road, determined to get to my girl as quickly—and safely—as possible.

I arrive at the hospital in one piece.

By the time I find somewhere to park and haul ass across the lot, I somehow make it inside right behind Riley. Following her to the front desk, I stand by her side and let her take the lead.

“I’m here for my sisters and niece. They were in a car accident, brought in by ambulance.”

“All right, honey. What are their names?”

Riley rambles off their names, and we wait anxiously while the nurse behind the desk types something on the computer in front of her. She nods to herself, clicks, types some more. I swear the seconds drag on slowly as she repeats the process a few times. Her brows furrow as she peers at the screen, something flashing in her eyes at whatever she sees, but she blinks and it’s gone. She glances at me and Riley before picking up a phone, murmuring quietly to the person on the other end. I strain to hear what she’s saying, but it’s useless.

Riley starts fidgeting, shifting from foot to foot. One arm crosses her chest, hand holding the opposite elbow while she chews on the thumbnail of her other hand. My nerves are already shot, and I hate seeing her so anxious, so I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her against me. Whether she realizes it or not, she needs comfort. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I do too.

“Thanks,” she whispers, leaning into me.

“Okay. If you take a seat over there,” the nurse says, gesturing to a row of chairs, “Someone will be right out to escort you back.”

I can tell Riley wants to ask questions, but it’s clear the nurse isn’t going to tell us anything, so I step in and murmur a polite, “thanks,” for her help. She offers me a sympathetic smile as I guide Riley over to the chairs to wait.

Fortunately, we don’t have to wait long.