Page 4 of Until Lexi

Hope: someone is stalking me

Hope: strange car parked in the street and the man inside is watching the house

Hope: been there all day

Hope: if he doesn’t leave soon I’m calling the cops

With a sigh, I shoot her a quick reply and tell her I’ll handle it, though I’m not sure there’s anything going on. If I know Hope at all… she’s being paranoid. We live on a busy street and the guy is probably parked there waiting for someone. I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t the first time she’s said something like this. Last time, she was strung out on lord knows what. I’m desperately hoping that’s not the case this time, but I’m beginning to wonder. At least I know the threat to call the police is an empty one—she doesn’t trust the police.

The last thing I want to do is deal with this nonsense right now, but I can’t ignore it. Since the shop is otherwise empty, I let Blossom know I’m going to step out for a few minutes. She tells me to lock the door up front when I go, which I already planned to do. We haven’t had any walk-ins today, but I wouldn’t take the chance of someone walking into the shop and being left unattended.

Slipping outside, I lock the door and walk around the corner of the building. I don’t want to go too far, but I want as much privacy as possible for this conversation. Dialing Penny’s number, I pick at my nails while I listen to the phone ring.

Finally, she answers.

“Sorry! I was trying to get Mercy cleaned up. She had finger paint everywhere. What’s up?”

“Is there some guy watching the house?”

Her answering huff of breath could blow down a building. “I told her it was nothing to worry about. I don’t know why she bothered you at work.”

“So, there is a guy out there?”

“Yes, and no. I’ve seen the car a couple times throughout the day, but it’s not always out there, and the guy isn’t always in it. He’s gotta be friends with one of the neighbors or something.”

Her words both comfort and bother me.

“I’m worried about her, Pen,” I admit, leaning back against the building.

“Me, too.”

Silence falls between us, and I know we’re both thinking about Hope, wondering how bad things are going to get this time.

“I wish…” I sigh, struggling to find the words I want to say. Me and emotions don’t mix. I’m terrible at expressing myself and I hate feeling vulnerable. “We can’t help her unless she lets us, and that’s doubtful.”

“You’re right, but we’ll be here if she needs us because that’s what family does.”

“Does that mean Riley’s home?”

“No,” she says softly, “but you know she’ll be here when it matters most.”

She’s right, but it still pisses me off that Riley hasn’t been home in days. I know she’s beyond fed up with Hope’s shit, but we need her. I need her, even if I won’t admit it out loud. Out of the three of them, Riley is the one I’m closest to, and she helps keep me grounded when there’s tension in the house.

“I gotta get back to work but let me know if this strange guy doesn’t leave soon, or if anything changes.”

“I will. And Lex… try not to let it get to you too much. I’ll see you when you get home.”