Page 23 of Until Lexi



Running my fingers through my hair, I flip my hat around and put it on backwards as the bartender sets my drink down in front of me.

“Thanks,” I murmur with the rim of the glass already at my lips. The fiery warmth of the whiskey burns going down, but it’s exactly what I needed.

Today was fucked.

It’s impossible not to know that this whole situation would be difficult for Lexi and her family, but until I saw them together earlier today, I hadn’t truly realized how much it’s affecting them. This shit is tearing them apart.


It’s riding me hard.

Logically, I know it’s not my fault. Not really.

Too bad emotions rarely respond to logic.

I wanted to stay with Lexi. I wanted to stick around and see how she was doing after the comments Penny made, unknowingly upsetting her sister. Lexi hid it well, but I could tell she was affected. I wanted to comfort her in whatever way she’d allow. But as much as it pained me, I left her with her sisters because I could sense they needed time together as a family. Without the inadvertent cause of their misery hanging around.

That leaves me, sitting alone in some random bar, drinking whiskey to wind down.

“You look like you’ve got the weight of the whole world on your shoulders,” I hear a feminine voice say and I turn to see a pretty redhead standing to my right.

“Not the whole world,” I reply. I’m hoping her comment is as innocent as it seems. I don’t want to be rude, but I also don’t want to encourage any kind of flirting from random women in this bar. That’s not why I’m here.

It must show on my face because she smiles.

“Don’t worry, I’m not hitting on you.”

A large pair of arms wrap around her waist, pulling her back a few inches. “You better not be.”

Still smiling, she rolls her eyes, ignoring the man standing at her back. “I’m April. The overprotective one behind me is Maxim.”

“Her husband.”

There’s an obvious threat in his tone, and as much as I want to, I can’t stop the grin that forms on my lips. I hadn’t noticed the ring on her finger, but in my defense, I wasn’t looking.

Not finding it as amusing as I do, Maxim narrows his eyes.

“Jake,” I say, holding his gaze. “I’m not here to step on any toes, man. Don’t get me wrong, your girl is beautiful, but…” She’s not Lexi.

“Ah, so it’s girl trouble,” April guesses before I can figure out what I want to say.

“April,” Maxim says like a warning.

“What?” She asks, looking back at him before turning to me again. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

I mean, she’s not wrong, but I’m not about to tell her that. I don’t mind shooting the shit with random people when I’m out, but this conversation is a little too personal for my taste.

“Yes and no.”

“Well, that’s vague.”

For someone I met two minutes ago, she sounds seriously put out that I’m not spilling the details of my life with her. But Maxim gets it.

“Maybe he’s not looking to air his problems to someone he just met, babe.”

“Not really,” I say, chuckling.

“Fine,” she says with a huff. “But you looked like you could use a friend.”

“You could be right.” I tip back my glass, finishing off what’s left of my whiskey. Turning back to the bar, I focus on getting the bartender’s attention for another drink. “I’m not from around here, so I’m more or less on my own.”

“I’m sensing a story.”

Damn. This girl is determined. I bet she keeps her man on his toes.

“Ah, but it’s not story time. I came here to take my mind off shit, not to talk about it.” I wink, wanting her to know I’m not bothered by her curiosity. If anyone understands having an inquisitive nature, it’s me. But just because I understand it, doesn’t mean I’m going to give in.

With perfect timing, the bartender comes back and pours me another round.

“So where are you from?” Maxim asks, saving me—at least momentarily—from April’s interest.

Lifting my glass, I salute him and take a drink before answering, “Florida.”



April curses under her breath and murmurs something low enough only Maxim hears. His eyes flicker to something behind me, but before I turn to look, a feminine hand grazes my bicep.

“Fancy seeing you here, Jake.” She moves in beside me, putting her palm on my chest. Recognizing the possessive gesture for what it is, I wrap my arm around her, pulling her body against mine.

“Hey, doll. Didn’t expect to see you here.”

She tilts her head up, meeting my eyes. “Riley and I needed to get out of the house.”

Glancing back, I see Riley standing a few feet away with a drink in her hand, watching us like she’s waiting for a show. Giving my attention back to Lexi, I open my mouth to ask her if everything is okay, but I don’t get a chance.

“I thought you didn’t know anyone around here?” April asks me, eyeing Lexi suspiciously.

“That’s not exactly what I said.”

“It was implied.”

I disagree, but I’m not going to argue. “It’s complicated.”

April snorts, a wide smile taking over her face. “Oh, now that I believe. This explains so much.”

I feel like I’ve missed something vital, but for once I can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s obvious the two women know each other, but I’m not sure in what capacity.

“I don’t see you out much anymore,” Lexi says to April with a smile.

“Life keeps us busy,” April replies, eyes bouncing back and forth between me and Lexi. I can practically see the questions flitting through her brain. I’m surprised when she doesn’t ask any of them, turning to me instead. “We’re going to take off. It was nice to meet you, Jake.” Her gaze makes one more pass over the two of us. “I hope you two have a good night.”

“You too,” I tell her, confused at the abrupt change.

“See you around, April,” Lexi says. “Maxim.”

April shoots one last look at Lexi, then me, before taking Maxim’s hand, leading him away through the crowd.

“That was awkward as fuck,” Riley says, joining us at the bar.

Lexi bursts into laughter.

I’m still confused as fuck.

“What was that all about?” I ask.

Lexi starts laughing even harder, pulling away from me to turn to the bar. Without answering my question, she tries to wave down the bartender.

Riley takes pity on me. “Lexi and April are…”

“Frenemies,” Lexi finishes, looking over her shoulder at us.

Riley’s nose scrunches up at the term, but she finishes filling in the blanks. “They have a long-standing rivalry, but they don’t actually hate each other. They’re not quite friends, but not exactly enemies.”

“Frenemies,” Lexi repeats, laughing when Riley sighs. “April has the wrong impression of me, and I’ve never done anything to convince her otherwise.”

“Whatever,” Riley says, scoping out the crowd. “I’m gonna go hunt down tonight’s lucky distraction.”

Lexi waves her off but doesn’t turn around.

Riley disappears without another word, leaving Lexi alone with me.