Page 59 of Until Lexi



Today is the start of a new beginning.

It’s moving day.

Not for me and Lexi, but for the rest of her family.

The last month has been a bit of a roller coaster ride for everyone.

Riley spent a couple of days in Blackwood getting to know Noah, Adam, and Felix. She came back with nothing but good things to say about all of them, which I knew would be the case. They’re good guys, and they take care of their own.

That’s why I wasn’t surprised to hear that Noah was hellbent on meeting Mercy.

The circumstances never fucking swayed him.

He wanted her in his life.

Riley came back, determined to make it happen.

None of them were against introducing Mercy to her father. It was never their intent to keep it from him. Once they understood how desperately Noah wanted her, they sat her down and told her about him.

To say Mercy was excited is an understatement.

She “never had a daddy before!”

Her excitement cemented the decision to introduce her to Noah as soon as possible, but Penny wasn’t quite comfortable with the idea of packing up and moving somewhere they’d never even been.

Lexi came up with the solution.

Penny, Riley, and Mercy spent a couple of weeks in North Carolina, giving Mercy and Noah a chance to get to know each other. Much like Riley, Penny instantly fell in love with the small town. Mercy, well… she fell in love with Noah… and Adam… and Felix.

The decision to move to Blackwood was easy.

The logistics, not as much.

It took a few days of back and forth, but they worked it out.

Penny and Mercy are moving into Noah’s house, which Lexi found rather interesting, but she still won’t tell me why. Riley decided to share a place with Adam’s close friend, Cannon. Noah had room for Riley too, but she decided to take a step back. She wants to give Mercy and Noah, the time and space they need to get to know each other and form a relationship. They’ve missed out on five years together.

Lexi ultimately decided to stay in Tennessee for now.

Her decision was the hardest of all of them, but she made the right one for her, and like I suspected, her sisters supported her one hundred percent. I think she may even feel better about staying behind now that she knows her family is in good hands.

She got to meet Adam, Noah, and Felix when they surprised the hell out of the girls yesterday and showed up at our front door.

Yes, ours.

I officially live with Lexi now.

Some might say it’s too soon, but we don’t care.

We’re happy.

The guys decided they wanted to come out and help with the move. I may have had a little something to do with arranging it, but it was all Adam’s idea. I think most of it is his protective nature, especially after learning of the accident and how the girls lost Hope. They’re good guys, and they want to make sure the girls make it safely to their new homes.

It’s been a fun visit, but it’s coming to an end.

The moving truck is loaded, and the cars are gassed up, ready to go.

Everyone is ready to get on the road.

All that’s left are the goodbyes.

“I wish you would change your mind,” Penny tells Lexi through a steady flow of tears.

“You know I can’t,” Lexi tells her. “I have to stay and finish what I started.”

“It’s only a year, right? Maybe after that…”

“Maybe,” Lexi agrees.

She hasn’t decided what she wants to do after she finishes her tattoo apprenticeship with Blossom, only that she wants to learn from her current mentor. She and I agreed to wait until the time comes, then decide where we want to go.

I have a feeling I know exactly where we’ll end up.

“Take care of her,” Riley says, nudging my arm as she comes up beside me.

I sling my arm over her shoulders and pull her close. “You know I will.”

She nods, laying her head on my shoulder.

Lexi isn’t the only one saying goodbye to her sisters today. I’ve grown to love all these girls, and even I’m having a hard time letting go. I’m closer to Riley than Penny, but I love them all the same.

“Feels like the end of an era,” she admits, showing her sentimental side.

“I prefer to think of it as a new beginning,” Lexi says, squeezing between me and Riley. “We might be going our separate ways, but it’s not forever. We’ve relied on each other for so long… this is our chance to see if we can fly on our own.”

“You’re gonna be fine, Lex,” Riley tells her. “We all will.”

“I know,” Lexi agrees. “And look at the bright side… you have a whole new town of girls to corrupt.”

“I’ve already got my eye on one,” Riley says with a devious smile.

Lexi laughs, letting go of me to hug her sister. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’m gonna miss both of you,” she replies, looking at me over Lexi’s shoulder.

They separate, and Riley wraps her arms around me.

“You showing up out of the blue changed our whole lives, Jake. I’m so happy you found your soulmate in my sister. She deserves the happiness you helped her find.”

“You’ll find your own happiness one day, Riley.”

Pulling away, she shrugs. “I’m not in a hurry.”