Page 5 of Until Lexi



This is getting me nowhere.

I glance at the large gray house across the street again before returning my attention to my phone. Business doesn’t stop because I’m away, and my emails have been piling up. At least I’ve got something to busy myself with while I sit here and wait for something to happen, something to give me a clue, something to give me some kind of fucking sign that I’m in the right place.

My frustration is growing, and my patience is waning.

I’ve been monitoring the house for a few days now, but I’ve only seen three people coming and going. A redhead, a little dark-haired girl, and the biggest surprise of them all, the sexy as fuck blonde from the tattoo parlor. I wasn’t expecting her, but I’m not complaining.

The little girl obviously isn’t the one I’m looking for.

And while I could be wrong, I don’t think either of the women are Riley. Call it a gut feeling.

It would help if I knew who the hell I’m trying to find.

Riley Rose is like a fucking ghost.

If I didn’t know better, I wouldn’t think such a person even exists.

Hell, up until a few years ago, they didn’t. Finding information on Riley is like finding a needle in a haystack. I’ve managed to find a few records, but nothing dating back more than a few years, and nothing concrete. It’s damn near impossible to stay this far under the radar, but somehow, Riley does it. I haven’t found enough to give Adam more than a name, and I won’t tell him anything else until I’m certain. I refuse to provide him with false information. I wish I had more to give. It’s taken me this long to find even a possible location.

Something needs to happen.

If I don’t find Riley here in Tennessee, who knows how long it might be before I can find another lead.

I’m about to open an email from one of my long-time contacts when there’s movement in my peripheral. Casually glancing over, I see the pretty redhead and the little girl walking down the sidewalk toward the house. Turning my gaze back to my phone, I lower the passenger window an inch or so. They’re drawing closer, but I don’t look. I don’t pay them any obvious attention. My car sitting out here is suspicious enough without me blatantly staring. The dark, nearly opaque tint on my windows allows me to stay somewhat hidden, but anyone has a clear view of me through the windshield.

Their conversation reaches my ears through the open window. The little girl says something about her mommy, then asks if Auntie Lexi will be awake.

“I’m not sure, Monkey, but we should be quiet when we go inside just in case,” the redhead tells her.

The little girl squeals, and I glance over, seeing a thin brunette appear behind the glass of the storm door. Hers isn’t a face I’ve seen before, but as much as I want to keep watching, I don’t want to draw attention to myself. Instead, I keep listening.

“...tell Mommy all the things we did today!”

“Okay, but you have to remember to be quiet,” the redhead reminds her.

“Fiiiiinnneee. But we have to hurry! Mommy’s waiting!”

Facing forward, head lowered as if I’m looking at the screen in front of me, I glance out of the corner of my eye to see the girl tugging the redhead’s arm. She laughs, putting up resistance, but the little one isn’t deterred. She keeps tugging, marching the woman down the sidewalk as she rambles on about the day’s activities.

She lets go of the little girl’s hand and lets her run ahead, watching as she approaches the door. The brunette is no longer standing there, and something darkens in the redhead’s expression as she visibly sighs.

“Wait for me, Mercy!”

The girl stops at the top of the steps, glancing between the door and the redhead.

“Come on, Penny!” the little girl says, sounding exasperated. “You’re taking for-ever.”

The redhead chuckles as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. “I’m here, I’m here. Let’s get inside and get washed up. Then you can see if Auntie Lexi is awake yet.”

“Yay! And maybe Auntie Riley is home, too.”

I suck in a breath, holding it in as I resist the urge to pump my fist in the air. I keep listening, waiting to see if they’ll reveal anything else.

“Maybe,” the redhead says, her voice fading as they step inside.

Her tone is filled with doubt, but I couldn’t care less about that.

All the hours I’ve spent cooped up in this car over the last few days finally fucking paid off.

Auntie Riley.

It’s not much, but it’s a start.

Someone named Riley does live in that house.

And she isn’t either of the two women I’ve seen today.

Riley could still be the blonde, but I don’t think so.

I fucking hope not.

Then I might have to muster up some sort of guilt about fucking my fist to the dirty as hell fantasies I’ve had of her every night since I first saw her. I’d have to be honest with Adam. I’d have to tell him that his sister is never far from my thoughts, and that I want her more than I’ve ever wanted another woman in my life.

Hopefully, it won’t come to that.

But my gut says I’m right.

Riley hasn’t made an appearance.

Not yet.

With the two of them inside and everything quiet on the outside, I tear my thoughts away from the blonde and go back to my phone. I add a few notes about what I’ve learned into a private memo app before going back to my email. I keep busy, but still have an ear on what’s happening outside my car. While I doubt very much that Riley is home since I haven’t seen anyone else enter or leave the house, I’m going to stick around for a while longer.

With any luck, she’ll show up.

The late afternoon stretches into evening, and as much as I hate it, I decide it’s best to call it quits for the day.

Sighing, I drop my head back against the headrest and close my eyes.

I thought today would be the day I’d manage to get a glimpse of the elusive Riley—or at least a closer look at the pretty blonde—but I was wrong. There’s been no visible activity at the house since they went inside, and I can’t hang around all night. My body has been protesting for the last few hours and has zero reservations about making its needs known. My gnawing hunger won’t go ignored much longer.

As if it knows I’m thinking about it, my stomach growls. Yeah, it’s time to go. Slipping my phone into my jeans pocket. I reach for my seat belt and pull it across my body, but as it clicks into place, a loud bang drowns out the sound, interrupting the silence on the quiet street.

Hand still on the buckle, I jerk my head toward the source of the sound in time to see the gorgeous blonde stomp down the front steps. The expression on her face is hard. Even from across the street I can see the firm set of her pouty lips and the crease in her brow. I don’t get a second to wonder what put that look on her face, because as her feet meet the sidewalk, her head turns in my direction, and her eyes zero in on me.

Fuck. Looks like I’m busted.