Page 29 of Until Lexi

“Yeah,” I say, dropping another kiss to her lips before sliding toward the side of the bed. Her stomach growls again and I grin. “Let me throw on some clothes and I’ll get you fed before you turn feral.”

“Asshole!” She swats at my ass as I stand, but she’s not fast enough and misses. Laughing, I head for my duffle bag on the chair in the corner.

“I don’t have much here, so we’re gonna have to go out for breakfast,” I tell her, rummaging through my bag of clothes. “You want something to wear?”

When she doesn’t respond, I turn to find her staring at my naked ass.

I smirk.

“Keep looking at me like that, Lexi, and the only thing I’ll be eating is you.”

The look that crosses her face says she’s down for whatever, but I’m gonna need some fuel before we can go another round. I don’t know about her, but I haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon.

So, I do the only thing I can…

I toss one of my tees at her head.

She snatches it before it hits her in the face and throws it back at me as I’m pulling up my boxer briefs. It hits my face and drops to the floor, and I can only laugh.

“If I’m going out in public, I’m not doing it in last night’s dress or your clothes. You can take me home to change first.”

She climbs off the bed and heads for the door, I assume to get her own clothes from the living room where we left them last night. On the way out, I hear her stomach growl again.

“You sure you can make it that long?” I call out after her, fighting back my laughter.

This time, she growls.

Chuckling to myself, I throw on jeans and a tee, grab my phone from the table, then head to the bathroom to take care of business. Lexi is fully dressed when I make it to the living room, leaning against the wall by the front door. Her expression is all I need to know she’s had enough of my shit this morning.

Not wanting to push my luck, I walk up to her, dip my head down, and take those pouty lips. Nipping at her bottom lip, I bite down and tug with my teeth before letting go.

“Sorry, doll. Let’s go so we can get food. I’m fucking starving.”

I turn to grab my car keys off the counter but stop when I see Lexi spinning them on her fingers. When I reach for them, she catches them in her fist and yanks her hand back.

“I’m driving.”

Unlocking the front door, I pull it open and gesture for her to go first. The fact that I don’t argue with her surprises the hell out of her.

“After you,” I tell her, waiting for her to pass.

She intentionally brushes against me when she walks by, and I resist the urge to smack her ass. I’ve given her enough shit already. Making sure the door is locked, I pull it closed behind me and head for the car.

Lexi is adjusting the seat when I slide in on the passenger side. Her too short dress is riding even farther up her thighs and my eyes lock on the smooth expanse of skin. She buckles her seatbelt, so I do the same. As she turns the key in the ignition, I reach over and run my hand up her thigh.

“Are you wearing panties underneath this?” I ask, tugging at the hem.

She ignores me and starts backing out of the driveway, so I slowly start to slip my fingers underneath the fabric.

“Unless you want me to wreck this fancy car of yours, I suggest you keep your hands to yourself.”

I give her thigh a firm squeeze and pull back.

I already have to fix my headlight. I don’t need any other damage I’d have to get repaired. Besides, I know better than to fuck around in a vehicle. Too many bad things could happen. I’d never want to put Lexi at risk.

The drive to her house doesn’t take long, and when she parks outside, she asks me to wait in the car, promising she won’t be long. Knowing how things were the last time I was here, I don’t question why she doesn’t want me going in the house.

I use the time to answer a few emails and check my text messages. When I see Adam’s name in my inbox, I cringe. There’s no new message for me to read, it’s only our previous conversations, but it’s enough to cause my guilt to surge back to the surface.

I’ve been in Tennessee for close to two weeks now and I haven’t told him anything of substance. I hate that I’m keeping things from him, even if it’s for a good reason. I want to tell him the truth, but I don’t want to destroy Lexi’s trust in me. On the other hand, if Adam finds out I’m not telling him what I know, it’ll destroy his trust in me.

I’m trapped between a rock and a hard place, and it’s squeezing the life out of me.

I’m so fucking torn.

Lexi is… god, I don’t even know how to describe what I’m feeling for her.

Last night was off the fucking charts. The sex was the best I’ve ever had, hands down. It’s not just the sex, though. Lexi isn’t like anyone else I’ve ever met. She may have a smart mouth and a feisty attitude, but she can also be sweet when she wants to be.

I’ve been drawn to her from the moment I saw her, and I don’t want to ruin my chance with her before I can see where this thing between us goes.

No matter how much I try to justify what I’m doing, not telling Adam the truth doesn’t sit well with me.

It’s not right.

Closing out of my texts, I pull up Adam’s number and tap the screen to call him before I lose my nerve. I can’t tell him everything, but I can give him something.

When he answers the call and I hear the hope in his voice when he says my name, I know I’m doing the right thing.

“I found Riley, Adam.”

“Seriously?” His voice is a whisper, like he’s trying to hide his excitement.

“Yeah, man. I found her, but—”

He groans, cutting me off, and I hate having him think I’m about to give him bad news. I don’t consider it bad, but it’s not what he wants to hear.

“Listen. Things here are kinda fucked. It’s not exactly a cut and dry situation. I found Riley, but there’s some shit that needs to be figured out before I can give you all the details.”

“What kinda shit?”

Damn it.

I rub the back of my neck with my free hand, trying to figure out the best way to put this.

“The kind that’s not mine to tell.” I blow out a heavy breath. “I promise, man, I’ll tell you everything as soon as I can. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the best I can do right now to keep everyone happy.”

Adam sighs, and there’s a long pause before he speaks again.