Page 2 of Until Lexi

Mentally chastising myself, I go into the restaurant and put in my order. When they tell me it’ll be fifteen minutes, I let them know I’ll be right back and duck out the door. As I slide my phone out of my pocket and pull up Adam’s number, I glance down the sidewalk. Waiting for him to answer, I’m unable to keep my eyes diverted from the door of the tattoo shop, all while telling myself I’m not out here hoping to catch another glimpse of her.

I’m such a fucking liar.

Adam finally picks up, his deep voice reverberating through the speaker. “Got somethin’ for me?”

Chuckling, I rub the back of my neck and turn my back to the tattoo parlor. “Can’t a guy call just to say hi to a friend?”

“Don’t fuck with me, Jake.” I can hear the weariness in his words. “It’s been a year. I mean… how long do we keep looking? Is there even anything to find?”

I feel like an asshole. There’s been too many times over the last year when we’ve gotten our hopes up only to be let down. False leads. Unreliable information. It’s been an emotional ride, especially for Adam. He’s so fucking hopeful, but not knowing is weighing on him heavily.

This is why I can’t afford to be distracted by beautiful blonde bombshells.

Breathing out a heavy sigh, I let my head hang. “I won’t give up, and neither should you. I’m doing everything I can. I won’t stop until I find Riley.”

“I know you are, man. I’m sorry. I’m a moody bastard, but I know you’re doing your best. I appreciate it. More than you know.”

“If things work out, I’ll have something for you soon. I’m in Tennessee right now. I’m following up on a possible lead.”

“It’s a good lead?” he asks.

“It’s from a solid source, but there’s always a chance…” I trail off, pacing back and forth in front of the restaurant. I’m completely transparent with him. I want him to know I might have found something, but at the same time, I don’t want to get his hopes up again in case this lead doesn’t pan out.

“Yeah, I know.” A beat of silence passes, then I hear him murmur to someone, likely his girl, Presley. He confirms it when he speaks to me again. “Presley says you should drop in for a visit before you head back to Florida.”

“I can make that happen. As long as she doesn’t try to get me behind a camera again while I’m in town.”

Adam laughs. “Can’t make any promises. She’s on a mission to get every good-lookin’ guy she knows on a damn book cover.”

“Ain’t happenin’.”

“Never say never.”

It’s my turn to laugh. No disrespect toward Adam, or any other guy who poses for romance book covers, but that shit isn’t for me. There is no part of me that wants my body displayed on the front of books for horny housewives. I refuse to get roped into it, no matter how many times Presley asks.

“Let Presley know I’ll make the drive over whenever I finish up here.” I glance through the window and the lady in the restaurant raises up a to-go bag. I smile and hold up a finger. “I gotta go, but I’ll keep you updated.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, Jake.”

Ending the call, I go back inside, get my food, and drop a tip into the jar on the counter. Reluctantly, I head back to my car, not looking forward to being behind the wheel again, even if it’s only for another mile or so. Unlocking the doors, I pull the driver side open and let my gaze veer to the tattoo parlor one last time.

Of course, the beautiful blonde is nowhere in sight.

A sharp pang of disappointment hits my chest.

Brows furrowed, I shake my head and drop into the driver seat. What the hell was that about? It's not like I’ve never seen an attractive woman before. I may be a red-blooded male, but I’m not usually the type to think with my dick. Especially not while I’m on a job. I pride myself on being professional and focused, no matter the situation.

I don’t know who she is, but I swear she put some sort of spell on me. Because as I drive slowly through the parking lot, I find myself looking through the windows of the tattoo parlor hoping to catch another glimpse of her.

Luck must be on my side because I see her inside, standing behind the counter. It’s only a glimpse. No more than a second. But it's all I need.

That single second doesn’t tell me much, but it tells me enough.

Now, I know where to find her.

And you better believe I’ll be back.