
I stoodat the floor length window of my office at the hotel, looking out at the L.A skyline. I would never tire of this view no matter how many times I looked out across it. I smiled as I thought of another view I’d never tire of and that was of my wife’s beautiful ass as I fucked her from behind. My cock twitched at the memory.

I heard the door creaking behind me and turned knowing it would be Jax,

I turned to see him sauntering into the room.

‘Hey, amigo,’ he said as he took a seat opposite my desk.

I nodded at him. After our trip to Chicago, Jax had headed straight to Virgnia to dig into Layton Cooper and find out if what he’d told us in that warehouse was true. This was Alana’s father we were talking about, and I didn’t want anyone else looking into this for me.

‘What have you got for me?’ I asked.

‘Everything points to what Cooper said being the truth,’ Jax said as he let out a low breath.

‘So, how was the daughter’s death ruled a suicide?’

‘Well, we both know that Foster Carmichael has a lot of powerful people at his disposal. Bethany Cooper was a young, troubled teen. She’d just had an abortion and couldn’t live with the guilt – at least that was the picture that was painted.’

‘But Layton Cooper believed differently?’

Jax nodded. ‘Yep. And all of the leads I followed led me to the same conclusion. Her friends confirmed she completely changed after her trip to New York. She went from a straight A student who was popular and outgoing, to someone who was withdrawn and barely spoke to anyone.’

‘And the baby?’

‘Bethany told people that it was her high school boyfriend who’d knocked her up, but I spoke to the kid and he flat out denied it. I put some pressure on him too, amigo, but he said he and Bethany had never got past third base.’

‘But Foster though? She would have been fifteen when he met her?’

Jax nodded. ‘I know. Sick fuck! But I had afriendlychat with the coroner,’ he said with a flash of his eyebrows.

I knew from experience that Jax’s friendly chats were anything but and the coroner would have been lucky to escape with just a broken bone or two.

‘And he confirmed that he was paid a significant amount of money from someone in the Carmichael administration to confirm the death as suicide, despite there being no note and some defensive wounds on Bethany’s wrists.’

‘Fucker!’ I hissed.

‘And if that wasn’t enough, Bethany apparently confided in her best friend, Karen, that the baby’s father was an older man she’d met in New York, who had basically invited her to his office, drugged her and convinced her that she had begged him for sex. She didn’t name this man, but said he was very powerful. Karen also told me that Bethany was clearly terrified of this guy and what he was going to do to her.’

‘But what’s the connection between the Coopers and Carmichael?’

‘Layton Cooper did some contracting work on Foster Carmichael’s lake house. I spoke to some of his employees and from what they said, Bethany used to enjoy going to work with her dad and his crew sometimes. Cooper took his daughter to Carmichael’s lake house and apparently while she was there, Cooper objected to the unhealthy interest Carmichael showed in his young daughter and he stopped her going there. I had someone look into Bethany’s social media accounts and she had arranged to meet someone in New York a few weeks later during her class trip. Carmichael was in New York at the time.’

‘And Carmichael, or at least someone from his administration, paid to cover this up?’ I asked, knowing all too well how easily corrupted some officials were.

‘Yes,’ Jax said with a solemn nod of his head. ‘You think Alana knew about any of this?’

I shook my head. ‘No way. She volunteers forty hours a week at a shelter for abused women and kids. I can’t believe that she would be involved in anything like that.’

Jax let out a low whistle. ‘You’ve married into one fucked up family, amigo, and that’s saying something.’

I nodded my agreement. ‘At least my family are open about what we are, but Carmichael pretends he’s some sort of fucking saint. And worst of all, Alana believes he is too. It drives me fucking crazy how loyal she is to that son of a bitch.’

‘She’ll see through him one day, amigo.’

‘I fucking hope so. I won’t have my children anywhere near that sick fuck!’

By the time I got home a few hours after my meeting with Jax, I was still raging. And if I couldn’t take my frustration out on the Carmichael who deserved my wrath, then his daughter would have to do. Besides, she could soothe my anger way more effectively than anything else I could think of.