‘Isn’t that obvious?’ he said as he slid one of his thick fingers inside me. ‘I want access to this sweet concha whenever and wherever I choose,’ he growled as he started to move his finger in and out of me. Then he added a second.

‘Alex,’ I moaned. ‘What if someone sees?’

‘There’s no-one out here but us, princess. Relax and let me show you what happens to good girls when they do as they’re told.’

I leaned my head against his chest and closed my eyes as he worked me with his fingers. He pressed on my clit with his thumb as he buried his fingers in me and reached for that sweet spot deep inside. Rubbing on it over and over until I felt like I was losing my mind.

‘Please, Alex,’ I whispered against his chest.

‘Look at me,’ he commanded and I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes. Then he leaned down and sealed his mouth over mine, dipping his tongue inside until my whole body pulsed with pleasure. He kept me teetering on the edge for what felt like an eternity, until I was whimpering into his mouth with need. Then, he picked up his pace and gave my clit a hard press with the pad of his thumb, and I came apart around him.

‘Alex,’ I cried as my orgasm tore through my body. He kept rubbing until I had ridden the very last wave of pleasure before pulling his hand from beneath my dress.

‘I do love some cream with my morning coffee,’ he said with a wicked grin and then he placed his two fingers in his mouth and sucked them clean.

Alejandro and I had spent a lazy morning eating breakfast, reading newspapers and sitting in the garden. I’d changed into my bikini half an hour earlier, and was doing a few lengths of the pool when I heard a huge splash behind me.

I spun around to see him swimming towards me, his beautiful, muscular body gliding effortlessly through the water. He had a fire in his eyes that suggested he was only in the mood for one thing. A quick glance of his naked body below the water as he reached me, confirmed my suspicions.

I grinned at him before turning and swimming away from him as quickly as I could. He was too fast for me though and I had barely reached the side when he grabbed me by the waist.

‘Are you trying to run away from me, princess?’ he growled as he nipped my shoulder blade.

I laughed and wriggled in his grip until he pushed me back against the edge of the pool, caging me with his strong arms and pressing his hard body into mine. He bent his head and kissed me so fiercely, I struggled for breath. Then his hands slipped below the water line and he tugged at the ties on either side of my bikini bottoms.

‘Alex,’ I gasped. ‘Someone might see us.’ I tried to swat his hands away but he pulled on the fabric and the flimsy material gave way easily in his strong hands. He grinned at me before throwing the bottom half of my bikini out of the pool and far out of my reach.

‘They won’t. So stop resisting me and let me inside you.’

I squeezed my thighs tightly together and he forced his knee in between them, nudging my legs apart.

‘How many women have you had sex with in this pool?’ I asked him as I looked over his shoulder at the water rippling around us.

He sucked on his top lip as though he was considering his answer, while also looking downright edible. ‘None,’ he finally said as he forced my legs wider and settled himself between my thighs.


‘I’ve never brought any women to the house before.’

‘So, where did you take them?’ I knew that before our marriage, he’d been well known for his love of women – many women.

‘The hotel.’

‘But why didn’t you bring them here?’ I asked with a frown. His house was beautiful and stylish – and very impressive. But then I supposed the penthouse suite of one of L.A’s finest hotels was too.

‘This is my home. I didn’t want them here. It would have been too personal. Now stop talking or I’ll put that beautiful mouth of yours to much better use,’ he growled.

‘We can’t. You have staff everywhere,’ I said as I looked around. ‘Not to mention security cameras.’

‘I turned the cameras off earlier, and I gave most of the staff a day off too. Jacob is on the front gate and there are three men patrolling the perimeter. Nobody will come anywhere near us.’

‘Why did you give everyone the day off?’

He ran his teeth along my jawline and I felt the goosebumps prickle over my skin. ‘Because I want to fuck my wife in every room, and on every surface of this house,’ he growled.

I felt his words deep in my core and the warmth and wetness pooled between my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pressed his rock hard cock against my opening. ‘I like it when you call me your wife,’ I purred in his ear.

‘Do you?’ he said as he planted soft kisses along my throat.