
‘What the fuckis wrong with you, Alana?’ he shouted as he walked into the room. ‘You don’t just walk out on me in the middle of a fucking dinner.’

I made a bolt for the door. I wanted out and away from him and this whole place. But he held out his arm and blocked me like a linebacker, before hoisting me onto his shoulder, carrying me into the bedroom and throwing me down onto the bed.

‘I asked you a fucking question,’ he snarled as he towered over me.

‘I didn’t think you’d even noticed that I’d gone,’ I snapped. ‘Keira and Michaela looked like they were keeping you plenty entertained.’

His scowl deepened. ‘So, this is about your childish jealousy? You made me look like a complete fool because you couldn’t handle me talking to a couple of women? For fuck’s sake, Alana!’

‘Oh, get over yourself!’ I sniffed.

He leaned his face closer to mine as though he was about to reprimand me, but then his scowl faltered. ‘Why have you been crying?’

‘I haven’t,’ I snapped.

‘Don’t fucking lie to me. I can see you’ve been crying. Why?’

‘I’m just tired. Can I please go home?’

‘This is our home for tonight. We’re staying at the hotel.’

‘Can’t we go just to the house?’

He glared at me and I wondered whether I was going to incur his epic wrath but he sat down next to me on the bed.

‘No, we can’t. Now, I want to know what the hell happened downstairs? One minute you seemed like you were having a great time. The mayor was waiting to ask you more about your work at the shelter. He thinks you’re a fucking angel! But the next thing I know I’m being told that you’d bolted and were on your way to the ground floor?’

‘Did you have someone spying on me?’ I snapped.

‘No. But this is my hotel, and you’re my fucking wife. My security watch you. It’s their job to know where you are at all times. Now, for the love of God, what the fuck is going on? Is this about Michaela and Keira?’

I shook my head but he’d already seen the truth in my eyes.

‘I knew it. For fuck’s sake, Alana. I can’t help the fact that I have a past. Just because you’ve never fucked anyone else, don’t hold that against me.’

‘You think I’m bothered that you screwed them? I don’t give a crap who you screwed, you arrogant asshole!’ I shouted as I pushed myself off the bed and stormed towards the door, but he was on his feet and blocking my way before I reached it.

‘Then what is it?’ he hissed.

I looked up at him, into those incredible dark eyes and then I remembered what those women had said about me. How I didn’t belong with someone like him. I remembered how small and insignificant they had made me feel and I started to cry. Not a delicate ladylike cry either, but full force sobs that wracked my body.

I had never felt so alone in my whole life.

‘Alana,’ he said as he pulled me into his arms. Then he was stroking my hair and whispering in my ear. ‘Please tell me what’s wrong, princess. I can’t stand to see you crying. Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?’

I pulled back from him and wiped the tears from my eyes. ‘No. I’m just being silly. Please just let me go home and I’ll be fine.’

‘You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell has gotten you so upset.’

I stared at him for a few seconds wondering if he was going to call me a spoiled little princess again because I’d gotten so upset about what two women I barely knew had said about me. But, I also knew he wasn’t going to let this go.

So, I drew in a shaky breath and I gave him a blow by blow account of what I’d overheard in the restroom – every word of it was etched into my brain.

‘Me cago en lá puta?’ he snarled. ‘Bitches! Alana! I can’t …’ he shook his head.

‘They were right though, weren’t they?’ I sniffed.