
Alejandro had leftafter his mom’s visit and had stayed the night at the hotel, which wasn’t unusual for him. He’d been true to his word about sending me some candidates though and I’d already interviewed four of his security personnel.

Well, I say interviewed, but it was more like me asking them completely random questions and them giving me monosyllabic answers while looking very uncomfortable. They were all very Hank-like, and I wondered if Alejandro employed anyone apart from Magda and Jacob, with any actual personality.

I checked my watch as I waited for the final candidate. It was almost 11am and I’d already spent my entire morning interviewing. I was due to meet the charity ladies for lunch at one and I needed to choose my outfit. I wanted to impress them, but I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard either.

I hoped that some of these women might become my friends and make my time here in L.A more bearable – not to mention doing something useful for charity too, which would give me some purpose even if I didn’t make any friends.

I looked up as the fifth candidate walked into the room and my breath caught in my throat. He was much younger than the previous interviewees by a good twenty years, and I guessed was closer to my age. He had the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen and the cutest dimples beneath his stubble, which were obvious because he was smiling as he walked in.

And that was what set him apart the most – he actually looked like he wanted to be there.

‘Hi,’ I stuttered.

‘Buenos días, Mrs Montoya,’ he said as he extended his hand in greeting.

I stood and shook it, noting how huge his hands and forearms were. He wore a suit, like all of Alejandro’s security did, but his muscles looked like they were about to burst out of it.

‘Please call me Alana,’ I said as I took a seat, fixing my skirt as I sat down. ‘You must be Hugo?’

‘Yep, that’s me, ma’am,’ he replied as he took a seat opposite me.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the formality.

‘Sorry,’ he laughed too. ‘Hard to shake the ma’am, it’s been drilled into me.’

‘You were in the forces?’

‘Yes, ma’am, I mean, Alana,’ he quickly corrected himself. ‘Navy SEAL for ten years.’

I smiled at him. ‘My grandpa served in the Marine Corps.’

‘He did?’

‘Yep. For almost thirty years. I used to love to listen to his stories. He was my hero.’

Hugo nodded. ‘Fourth generation of service for me.’

‘Why did you leave’ I asked him.

He blushed and I wondered if I’d overstepped. ‘Sorry, that’s too personal.’

‘No, it’s fine,’ he said as he leaned back in his chair. ‘On my last tour over in Afghanistan, I took a bullet to the shoulder. I was a sniper, and my aim was never the same after that. I was medically discharged and I got into private security instead.’

‘That must have been tough?’

‘Well, we’re kind of trained to handle tough.’

‘Did my husband force you to come here and apply for this babysitting job or were you given a choice?’ I asked with a flash of my eyebrows.

He laughed out loud at that. ‘The Boss told me to come here this morning and I do as I’m told. He definitely didn’t sell it as a babysitting job though.’

‘Oh? What did he tell you it was.’

Hugo narrowed his eyes at me. ‘He told me I was being given the opportunity to be his wife’s personal bodyguard. This is most definitely a promotion for me and the other four men who were in here before me, Alana. I don’t like to toot my own horn, but he chose his best men for this. This is most definitely no babysitting job, ma’am.’

I felt my skin flush pink. ‘I didn’t mean to belittle what you do,’ I stammered.