‘Well, your daughter is a smart woman. I’m sure if I presented her with the evidence, she’d be able to figure everything out for herself.’

‘Fuck you!’ he snapped. ‘You do that and I’ll blow your whole New York hotel scam wide open.’

I shrugged my shoulders. ‘That would hurt my business, but we’d recover.’

‘So, what the hell do you want from me?’ he snapped.

‘I want you to stay out of your daughter’s life. When we have children of our own, I want you nowhere near them, you sick fuck!’

‘She’ll never accept that.’

‘She will. I’ll make sure of it. But I won’t tell her about the schoolgirl you raped and murdered. Deal?’

He scowled at me. ‘You think that she belongs to you, but she ismydaughter, Alejandro. And for that reason alone, you will never be able to trust her. I taught her well, my friend. My Alana is a chameleon. You will have to live every day not knowing if she is speaking the truth or lies. You will always be wondering if she is spying on you and reporting back to me.’

I glared at him. ‘Well, I guess I’ll have to take that chance. Make sure the permits are approved, Carmichael,’ I said and then I turned and walked away from him.

Jax opened the door to my car and I climbed inside. My jaw was clenched so firmly that I thought I might grind my teeth to stumps.

‘Drive,’ I snapped to my driver as soon as Jax was inside the car too.

‘Everything okay, amigo?’ Jax asked.

‘Carmichael is a fucking snake,’ I hissed.

‘Well, I could have told you that,’ he said. ‘What happened?’

I leaned back in my seat and relayed most of my conversation with Foster Carmichael, all except what he’d said about how I would never be able to trust Alana.