Page 69 of The Dating Pact


“And who’s this book for?”

“For Josh, please.” The older woman across the table smiled. “My son adores your stories, but he couldn’t be here today.”

I’d just finished a round-table discussion with four other fantasy authors, and we’d moved on to signing books. If you’d told me when I attended this convention as a high schooler that I’d be back signing books for fans one day, I wouldn’t have believed you. But here I was with a cramping hand, writing messages for fans.

“He’s a lucky guy to have such a great mother.” I wrote a brief note and scribbled my signature below it. “Why couldn’t Josh make it?”

“He’s getting treatment for cancer.”

The deep sorrow in the woman’s eyes was like a punch to the gut.

“I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.” I added a short PS to the bottom of my note.

Keep up the good fight.

Josh’s mom left and I stretched my arms above my head as the last person in line approached. He slid Moon Fire, the third book in my series, across the table.

“Make it out to Donavan.”

“Sure thing.” I scrawled the same generic message I always wrote, and as I returned the book to its owner, Ben ran into the conference room, waving his hands to get my attention. I held up a finger to tell him I’d be done soon.

“Sorry to hear about your movie option falling through,” Donavan said.

My jaw bunched. “It happens.” I gave him a tight smile, in no mood to get into the nitty-gritty of why it fell through. The fact that my brother thought he could manipulate me like that still stung. I’d always admired Lukas when I was younger, but now that he’d revealed his true character, he wasn’t someone I cared to have in my life.

Ben waved his hands again and gestured for me to wrap up the conversation. Why was he in such a hurry? The last fan still stood in front of me, seeming like he wanted to talk some more.

“What if I told you I’ve been looking for a series like yours for a while?” Donavan asked.

Ignoring Ben’s frantic gestures, I smiled. “Glad you found my books. And don’t forget to check out the WebComics app for the StarFire cartoon. I’ll be uploading a new episode each week.”

Donavan slipped his book back into his leather bag. “I’m not talking about your books, son. Or your comics either, although I’ll pass that info along to my son. They’re more his thing. I’m talking about turning your books into a television series.”

My eyes narrowed and I studied the man in front of me. Donavan appeared to be in his late fifties at a guess, with pepper-gray hair and extremely tan skin. His expression said that he knew I was trying to figure him out, and he found it amusing.

“Wyatt, I work for FanFy Network, and I’m always keeping an eye out for the next big thing. I think our audience would love seeing your stories come to life on the screen.” He pulled out his wallet and took out a card. “Call this number and have my assistant set up an appointment. Let’s get the ball rolling.”

I stared at his card. Donavan Dark. “Thank you. I’ll check this out and be in touch.”

“You do that. I look forward to chatting with you real soon.”

As Donovan walked away, Ben came running up. “What are you doing? Let’s go.”

I stood and stretched again. “Traffic is going to be bad no matter when we leave. Why don’t we grab something to eat first?” I’d been so nervous before my talk that I hadn’t eaten lunch.

“Don’t you want to see how Ev and Lukas are doing?”

My heart stalled in my chest. “What did you just say?”

Ben’s eyes widened. “You haven’t read your messages. Ev and Lukas are at Mercy Hospital. They were in a car accident. That’s why I was trying to get your attention.”

No. No. No. I whipped out my phone and scrolled through the messages with trembling fingers.

Indie:Everly and Lukas were hit by a car

Indie:Ev suffered a concussion and bruising, but she’ll be ok