Page 64 of The Dating Pact

Quinn:Wish I could help, but I’ll still be at my mom’s place. Good night

Me:Can’t wait. Night!

I’d just turnedoff my light and closed my eyes when my phone buzzed again. I picked it up, expecting Indie with another joke, but was surprised to see who’d messaged me.


Lukas:Happy Thanksgiving

I hesitated.Why was he contacting me?

Lukas:I know I don’t deserve it, but can we talk?


No way.I was about to delete his messages when my mother’s words sprang to mind. Lukas and Wyatt were brothers and despite Lukas and my past, I hated knowing that Wyatt would regret not having him in his life.

Me:Are you free on Wednesday around 5?

Lukas:I can make it. Where?

Me:Stellaluna’s café in Sunnyvale

The old Lukaswould have scoffed at the idea of coming all the way to Sunnyvale to meet up. Would he agree?

Lukas:I’ll be there. Thanks

My breath leftmy body in a loud whoosh, and I shut my eyes. Looked like I was going to see my ex again.