Page 59 of The Dating Pact


Indie and I stepped into Landry’s comic bookstore, which had once again transformed its appearance. A podium rested on a folding table, and rows of seats had replaced the chairs. Near the back of the store, Wyatt and Johann stood talking.

As if sensing my presence, Wyatt turned and waved. Pleased I’d changed out of my overalls and into something more grown-up—a pair of dark jeans and a light pink sweater—I grinned and waved back as I took a seat in the back row with Indie.

Johann walked up to the podium, wearing a wrinkled Hawaiian shirt, a white bowtie, and his shoulder-length brown hair tied back in a ponytail. “Thank you for coming to Landry’s ‘Meet the Author’ night. As a special reminder, we are running a special this week. All figurines are currently thirty percent off. Tonight’s guest, Wyatt Alexander, requires no introduction. He’s the author of the best-selling StarFire series, and he’s graciously agreed to do a short reading from his latest novel and answer questions.”

Wyatt walked over and shook Johann’s hand. His dark green button-down shirt made his eyes pop, and his dark-wash jeans molded to his long, toned legs. “Thanks for having me.” Wyatt’s eyes met mine, his look sending sparks shooting across my skin. “Someone very special first introduced me to Sunnyvale, and I’m glad to be back after all these years to enjoy everything this town has to offer.” A smile curved the corners of his mouth, and I held back a laugh, knowing that he was referring to our tarantula hike.

Wyatt began describing the plots of his novels and then moved on to give an overview of his writing process. I listened intently, proud of the work he’d done and the name he’d made for himself.

After reading a chapter from his latest book, he scanned the room. “And now I’ll open up the floor for questions.”

About a dozen hands shot up, and Wyatt pointed to a tall woman with round glasses. “Where do you get your ideas from?” she asked.

“Great question. I get them from all over the place. Mostly from current events and my own life.”

He then called on another woman about my age, with long, dark auburn hair and a StarFire T-shirt stretched tight across her ample chest. “Hi, Wyatt. You’re much more good looking in real life than you are in photos.” She giggled. “I don’t have a question, but I just wanted to say I’m a huge fan. I even have the StarFire symbol tattooed on my arm.” She rolled up her sleeve to show Wyatt and the rest of the audience.

His eyebrows rose. “That’s phenomenal. Thanks so much for your support.”

“Of course. You’re my favorite author. I also have another tattoo, but I’m afraid I can’t show that one in public.” The woman gave him an exaggerated wink and a collective snicker ran around the room.

I hadn’t even realized I’d clenched my hands in my lap until Indie rested a hand on my arm. “Calm down, Rocky,” she whispered. “Put those fists away.”

I released a long breath and relaxed my shoulders and hands. “You’re right. Fists won’t do. Hand me one of your knitting needles.”

Indie let out a burst of laughter, earning a few sideways glances from the people sitting around us.

Wyatt cleared his throat, and the crowd settled. “I appreciate your enthusiasm for the series. Does anyone else have a question?”

A teenage boy with bright blue hair stood. “I read on the boards that your series is being optioned for a movie. Any news on that?”

That wasn’t something I’d heard before. I waited for Wyatt’s response, excited to know the details.

Wyatt’s smile slipped. “Those are only rumors, I’m afraid. There are no immediate plans to turn the series into a movie, but if anyone here can make that happen, talk to me about it later. Fortunately, I have been working on another dream project. If you’ve been following me on social media, you’ll be aware that my friend Cole is about to launch a brand-new webcomic app right after Thanksgiving, and I’m thrilled to be one of the featured creators. Drawing a webcomic series has challenged my creativity and, hopefully, will provide fans with more glimpses into the StarFire universe.”

Several more audience members asked questions after that, then Johann announced that it was time for Wyatt to sign books. Indie and I made sure to get spots at the end of the line, and when we eventually reached the front, Wyatt gave us a tired but happy smile.

“How’d I do?” he murmured, eying the few attendees still milling about.

“Freaking fantastic,” Indie said. “I’m looking forward to seeing this new app and reading your webcomic.”

Wyatt rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Thanks. Sometimes this all seems so surreal. It’s like everything I ever dreamed about back in college is coming true.”

His eyes met mine, and my heart did a funny flip in my chest. He wasn’t only talking about his writing anymore. He was talking about me.

Beside me, Indie cleared her throat as Wyatt returned the signed book to her. “I’m going to take the car and head home. Stay out as late as you want.” She blew me a kiss and then left.

Wyatt walked around the table and wrapped me in his arms. “Hello, gorgeous. Care to take a walk with me?”

“Sure.” I sank into his embrace and sighed. If this was dating Wyatt, I’d take it.

Hand in hand, we strolled down the street, stopping to admire the storefronts before heading onto the boardwalk. The wind always picked up at night, and a breeze tugged at my hair as I leaned on the old wooden railing and stared out into the dark waters, feeling as tumultuous as the choppy ocean below. I’d finally started dating a good guy, someone who understood and supported me, and yet in a few short weeks, he’d be gone. Lukas and I lived only two hours apart, and that distance had been hard enough. How would Wyatt and I manage?

My relationship with Wyatt is going to be different.

I believed that with all of my heart. With Lukas, I was cautious, wary that I’d say or do the wrong thing. But Wyatt and I had been friends first. He’d always been a strong and steady presence in my life. It would be so easy to love him and let him love me.