Page 49 of The Dating Pact


“There. All set.” I zipped up Quinn’s skirt. “How does it feel?”

She turned side to side, sending the brown floor-length skirt swishing over her boots. “It fits perfectly. How did you do this?”

I adjusted the laces on her bodice and stepped back to admire my handiwork. Three costumes in three weeks? Not too shabby. “I picked up a few things from the thrift store and sized them to your measurements. It’s not exactly rocket science.”

Quinn pulled out a tube of deep-red lipstick and swiped it over her lips while studying herself in the mirror near our front door. “It’s better than rocket science, Everly. I feel so different, almost witchy.”

“Good, because that’s the whole point.” After weeks of planning and anticipation, it was finally Halloween. I was exhausted, but excited, running on too little sleep and too many pumpkin spice lattes. We’d just finished dinner and were putting on our costumes to get ready.

“I’ll set up the projector.” Quinn grabbed her red cape off the couch and tied it around her shoulders before stepping outside.

“She’s right. We are sizzling. I was born to be a redhead.” Indie posed in the middle of our living room, one hand draped dramatically across her face. We’d sprayed her brown hair bright red earlier and pinned it up so she looked like Winifred Sanderson. “The kids are going to get a kick out of everything.”

Decorations, projector, costumes, treats—quadruple check. We had everything necessary to make this Halloween one to remember.

Someone knocked on the door.

My heart racing, I clapped my hands in excitement. “Our first trick-or-treaters!” I scrambled to the door and smoothed down my skirt and hair before opening it.

“Trick-or-treat!” Joy greeted me with a smile. She wore black cat ears and had painted a nose and whiskers on her face. “Oh my gosh, Everly. I can’t believe you made these costumes. They’re fantastic!”

Her two boys, Jasper and Leo, peered inside.

“You’re right, Mama,” Jasper murmured. “It is like the North Pole in here.”

I handed each boy a bag of candy. “You’re welcome to come inside and look around. See if you can find all nine Christmas trees.”

“Nine?” Leo whispered, his eyes round like saucers. He and Jasper tumbled inside, both dressed in matching ninja costumes.

I gave them a big smile. “Awesome outfits, boys. With you around, I feel well protected.”

“Keep the weapons sheathed,” Joy called out as her twins made their way toward the largest Christmas tree. “Remember, this is a place of peace. Christmas is all about silent nights. Not screaming fights.”

“We know, Mama,” Jasper said, his tone exasperated.

I wrapped Joy in a hug. “I didn’t know you were stopping by.”

“We had to. When I told the boys about your trees, they unanimously decided that this would be their first stop tonight. Plus, Quinn told me all about speed dating. Are you excited about going out with Wyatt?”

I was. And that was a problem. I had no business thinking of him in any romantic way. Not when I was once engaged to his brother, and definitely not when he had feelings for someone else. “It’s not a real date. We’re two friends spending time together. Out of obligation. To Johann,” I finished lamely.

Joy pursed her lips, her expression saying it all. She wasn’t buying this, and frankly, nor was I. Wyatt and I hadn’t seen each other all week, but I still dreamed of him every night, each time waking up more frustrated than before. At this point, I wouldn’t even be able to look him in the eye without blushing.

Indie slid next to me. “Well, as long as you keep an open mind about it all.”

I shot her a surprised look, but she merely waggled her eyebrows. “We’ve always suspected you like him.”

Joy nodded. “Take a chance. They say that friendship forms the foundation of a strong romantic relationship.” She pointed outside to where Quinn carried the projector across the lawn. “Although sometimes a little spice is needed to get things started.”

As she walked back toward the garage, Quinn paused in her tracks to stare back at us. “Did you need something, Everly?”

I shook my head. “Oh no. Just watching you do great work.”

Beside me, Joy and Indie giggled.

“Enemies to lovers is one of my favorite tropes,” Joy whispered behind her hand. “We’ll have so much fun when it’s her turn.”