Page 47 of The Dating Pact

What I wouldn’t give to hear that interaction.

“Looks like this is our last chance at happily ever after.” The final guy towered over the seat across from me, dressed as Superman—complete with cape and tights. With his bright blue eyes and slicked-back brown hair, he was a dead ringer for Henry Cavill.

“Hi there.” He smiled, revealing a deep dimple. “My name’s Jack.”

“I’m Everly.”

“And now I’m intrigued. It’s not often one meets such a beautiful woman with an equally beautiful name. Is there a meaning behind it?”

Butterflies awoke in my stomach and stretched their wings. Perhaps tonight wouldn’t be an utter waste of time after all.

I shook my head and grinned. “Not really. My parents just thought it sounded pretty. Plus, they love telling me that they’ll love me ‘for-everly.’ Cheesy, but it makes me smile every time.”

Jack gave a hearty laugh. “Cute. And what do you like to do for fun?”

I quickly rattled off my answer, as it was a question I’d already heard a dozen times that night. “I hang out with friends and sew… Oh! And I love decorating for holidays.” Although a quirk of mine, I wanted to mention it anyway. If we were to go on a real date, he’d soon learn about my strange obsession.

Jack raised an eyebrow. “Really? What’s your favorite holiday?”

That was easy. “It’s a tie between Christmas and Halloween. This year, I’m going all out for the trick-or-treaters. How about you? What do you like to do for fun?”

“Hiking and surfing.” He winked. “And I also love Halloween. It’s fun getting dressed up. I’m so glad we finally got the chance to meet. I noticed your costume as soon as you entered the store. You’re Sailor Moon, right?”

“You got it.” I ran a hand over the pleats of my skirt. “It’s not actually my costume. A friend lent it to me, and I made a few adjustments. I also made the wand this morning.”

“Did you now?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “It’s a gorgeous costume. Perhaps we can swap outfits later.”

And just like that, my butterflies froze. Wait. Was he… Did he want to—

“Time’s up!” Johann shouted.

“Think about it, Everly. We could have fun dressing up together. I look killer in skirts and heels.” Jack winked at me before getting out of his seat.

“And we’re done!” Johann called out.

Oh boy.I barked out a laugh. Was I ever done!

Johann walked in front of us and clapped his hands. “Thank you for making this such a successful event. I hope you all had fun tonight. Just a heads-up—we’ve messaged everyone a link to the questionnaire. Fill in your choices, and you’ll find out who you matched with tomorrow morning.”

Still giggling at Jack’s proposal, I clicked on the link and scrolled through the photos Johann took of us when we signed in. I passed face after face, not tempted to click on anyone because I hadn’t felt a romantic connection with anyone.

I continued scrolling until I saw a familiar Chewbacca face.

When I selected my brother and pressed “Finish,” an image of fireworks exploding in the shape of a heart appeared on my screen. There, that’d keep Johann happy. That should count as matching with someone.

“I chose three guys.” Indie held up her phone to show me. “The pickle, the elf, and the pirate.”

“Really? Sir Ren Faire?”

“He’s cute and made me laugh. Plus, you know I went through a big Lord of The Rings phase. You’ve seen the movies. Who wouldn’t want their own Legolas?” Indie waved to the elf, who bowed low on seeing her. “Who did you choose?”

I grinned sheepishly. “Just Ben.”

“Hey, Ev,” Ben walked over, wearing a grey sweater and jeans. “How was it tonight?”

I eyed my brother’s outfit. “That was a quick change. Where’s your costume?”

Ben raised his eyebrows. “I just got here. I lent my costume to… Wait a minute.” He stared at Quinn, who was leafing through a comic with her back to us. “Someone dressed up as a female Han Solo? Man, I knew I should have come tonight. Nowthat’sa woman I need to meet.”