Page 44 of The Dating Pact

No!Wyatt cared for me as a friend, but he loved someone else. I needed to set my subconscious straight. Except now my dream had left me all hot and bothered. I felt his kisses seared onto my skin.

And in my heart.

“You should have woken me up,”I said to Indie the moment he left.


Annoyed by how abnormally calm she appeared, given the raging cyclone of emotions swirling inside me, I snapped, “Because then I might not have woken up on top of him.”

“Seems like you should be thanking me for that. You two looked cozy together. I take it your night still ended well despite Frugal Fred bailing?”

My mouth fell open. “Traitor! You told Wyatt where I was going last night!”

“Maybe.” She got up and poured oat milk into a mug, then added a splash of coffee. After stirring in a spoonful of sugar, she held it out to me.

“Don’t try to butter me up,” I grumbled.

“But it’s in your favorite cup,” she said in a singsong voice.

My Christmas tree mug was the cutest—the ornaments only appeared when it contained hot liquid. I took the offered drink. “Fine. I’m only taking this because I’m a sucker for hot beverages. But just admit that you told Wyatt where to find me.”

She shrugged. “I might have let it slip in a text message or dozen. But aren’t you glad that he showed up when Frugal Fred left you for his ex?”

Guess Wyatt had already filled her in on the details. “It sure was a memorable night.” I sipped my coffee, trying not to dwell on the details of my dream.

Like how soft his lips were against mine.

Or how amazing his abs felt beneath my fingertips.

A burst of electricity cha-chaed its way across my skin. I cleared my throat, freeing my mind from a desire-filled haze. “As a side note, Quinn and Joy are officially banned from choosing any more dates for me. Their guys were—”

“Problematic? Yes. That much was clear. Don’t worry. I’ve benched them.” Indie removed a blueberry bagel from the toaster and handed it to me. “But we have the speed dating event tonight, and I still get my choice. There are a couple of great guys at the library I could set you up with. Real literary types.”

Like Wyatt?

My butterflies cheered even louder this time.

Oh boy. I couldn’t ignore the signs any longer. I’d developed feelings for my best friend.