Page 41 of The Dating Pact


Everly let out a moan. “Oh my gosh. This cake is divine. Are you sure you don’t want some?”

I hadn’t planned on eating any of her cake, but one glimpse of her playful smile and all self-control flew out the window. “Sure. I’d love some.”

Everly leaned forward and waved her laden fork in the air. “Go ahead, take a bite.”

In all honesty, I’d rather take a bite of something else. Everly looked stunning tonight. The way her wrap dress clung to her body, highlighting her curves, wasn’t lost on me. Seriously, how could Fred leave her, looking the way she did?

I opened my mouth, and a forkful of moist chocolate cake with the faintest hint of espresso hit my tongue.

“Decadent, isn’t it?”

“Delicious,” I murmured, not talking about the cake.

Everly pulled back and ate another mouthful, and it struck me how happy she seemed given the situation.

“How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Stay so… positive?”

She chuckled. “You mean, how do I keep smiling, despite my last two dates being a complete and utter bust? What can I do besides laugh? I went into this pact with my eyes wide open. I never expected things to just magically click. It takes a lot to connect with someone.”

“You and I clicked.” The words slipped out before I could stop them.

Her eyes sparkled. “Well, we were special.”

An ache stirred in my soul upon hearing those bittersweet words. Now that I’d had time to reflect on my conversation with Lukas, I realized that while it would be so easy to blame him for stealing Everly from me, the truth was, she and I weren’t dating. We were friends when I left for England because I hadn’t plucked up the courage to confess how I felt. My brother might be a selfish jerk, but he wasn’t stupid. He’d seen how special she was and acted.

“Enjoying your dessert?” The server eyed me then Everly before placing the bill on the table.

I reached out to grab it, but Everly gently pushed my hand away. “It’s my bad date. I’ve got it.” As she signed the check, my phone buzzed.

Indie:How’s our girl doing?

Me:Good. Frugal Fred left, so I’m keeping her company

Indie:Frugal Fred?

Me:Ev will tell you later

Indie:Ok. Show our girl a good time! She deserves it

“Areyou ready to head out? It’s almost nine, and I’m about to turn into a pumpkin. I can’t wait to change out of this dress and into my pajamas.” As Everly stood and gazed at the dance floor, there was no mistaking the longing in her eyes.

I reached out a hand. “Care to dance?”

“Really?” Delight lit up her face.

Frugal Fred, you missed out on something remarkable.

“Of course.” I’d dance with her every night if it meant seeing her smile like that.

The band began playing an Adele cover as we walked out onto the dance floor.

“I love dancing,” Everly said, her expression dreamy.