Page 35 of The Dating Pact

Joy took a swig of her lemon drop martini before stalking toward the door. “Don’t be such a spoilsport. You can’t outlaw fun.”

Aiden crossed his arms over his chest, and the two of them glared at each other, engaging in a silent game of chicken with neither willing to back down.

“This isn’t a nightclub, Joy. It’s a residential area. Do you even know what time it is?”

Joy placed a hand on her cocked hip. “It’s a little after seven. And our music wasn’t even that loud. Kevin across the street practices his drums at all hours of the night, but you never say anything to him. Why are you always so grumpy with me?”

“Because you are exasperating,” Aiden grumbled.

A look of hurt flashed across her face before she downed her entire drink. “Well, ditto to you, you pollock.”

Aiden’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open. “Did you just call me a cod?”

Indie snorted from the couch. “She meant pillock.”

Aiden’s brows rose higher, and Joy’s face reddened.

“Pizza, anyone?” Ben walked into the house, carrying two boxes. “I hope you don’t mind. But the delivery person dropped these off at Aiden’s by accident, so being the gentleman that I am, I brought them over for you.” He placed the boxes on the counter and helped himself to a slice. “Of course, that means I’ll be deducting the obligatory pizza tax.” As if sensing the tension in the room, Ben paused mid-bite. “Why don’t we ever get pizza? The girls have pizza.”

“And lemon drop martinis.” Joy raised her empty glass.

“I just got off a long shift,” Aiden snapped at our brother. “You’re welcome to anything you find in the fridge.”

Ben screwed up his face. “Bread and baloney? No, thank you. I outgrew that in first grade.”

I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but Aiden’s frown grew even deeper. “Well, why did you decide to host poker night at my place instead of yours? I already told you my schedule was packed.”

Ben bit into the slice of pizza. “I’ve hosted our poker nights for the past two months, and Sam’s complaining that he’s bored of the same location. But seeing as the girls have food, maybe we could mix things up and hang out here instead. How are you at poker? I’ll bet some of you are real sharks.” His eyes landed on Quinn and narrowed.

Quinn got to her feet and marched over to where Ben stood, her heels clicking on the laminate floor. “Stop stealing our food.” She tugged the pizza out of my brother’s hand. “It’s knitting club night, so unless you plan on doing some type of fiber-based activity, you’re not welcome.”

He smirked. “Today’s your lucky day, princess, because I happen to know how to knit. Indie taught me a few years ago. Knit one, purl one, am I right, Indie?”

Indie’s mouth twitched as if she was trying hard not to laugh. “Right.”

“Boys? What’s going on?” a gruff voice called from outside. “I thought we were playing poker. We’re sitting over there on our lonesomes, waiting for someone to order food.” Sam, Ben’s sixty-year-old employee at the body shop, walked in with an unlit cigar in his hand. Seeing everyone in the room, he turned and hollered, “Wyatt, get over here! We’re eating next door.”

Wyatt? Here?

Wyatt strolled into the crowded living room. “Hi, everyone.” His eyes immediately found mine, and I swore they sparkled. “Hey, Everly.”

My gaze lingered too long on his lips, and behind me, Indie cleared her throat.

Oh right. He was talking to me. “Hi, Wyatt. If you’re playing poker with my brothers, watch out. Ben cheats.”

“Not well,” Quinn muttered behind me at the same time as Ben growled, “I do not. And even if I did, you wouldn’t catch me.”

“See?” I pointed at Ben. “He admitted it. Aiden, you should arrest him.”

Aiden rubbed his temples and sighed.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Wyatt grinned at me, and I found myself mirroring his smile.

Ben reached out to grab another slice, and Quinn slapped his hand away. “Fine.” He pouted. “No pizza. By the way, Ev, when were you planning on telling me about that speed dating thing?”

Ugh. Were we really discussing this now? “Wyatt and Johann made me sign up. They needed girls.”

“That’s not all Everly has scheduled,” Indie said. “She also has a date tomorrow night. Joy arranged it.”