Page 33 of The Dating Pact


“I’m so sorry.” Quinn’s shoulders sagged as she paused in her knitting. “I didn’t realize Nelson was such a jerk. He was always so cordial with me.”

“That’s because you ran in the same circles,” Indie scoffed. “Of course he was a lickspittle with you. He wanted all his rich friends to like him. But he sure revealed his true colors to Everly.”

“Lickspittle?” I stared at my friend in surprise. Was she speaking English? The word felt foreign on my tongue.

“Nelson was a suck-up to Quinn and her friends, then acted all lordly and haughty around you.” Indie unraveled a few of her stitches before her needles continued their rhythmic movement. “That man makes me so furious that I’m missing stitches here.”

Joy threw back her head and laughed, her shoulders shaking the entire time.

“What?” Indie scowled. “You think I won’t call out a pillock when I see one?”

Now I let out a hearty laugh too. My date with Nelson had been dreadful, but somehow, Indie’s indignation made the entire situation seem hilarious.

Joy hiccuped as she wiped her face. “This is why I love you guys. I gotta keep those words in mind next time I talk about my ex.”

A corner of Indie’s mouth twitched up. “If you liked those insults, I have a whole bunch more I can toss out.”

It was Thursday, our usual knitting club night. Quinn was finishing up a pair of striped socks, Indie was hate-knitting a puke-green hat for her annoying co-worker, Drew, and Joy was knitting mittens for her boys. Tonight, our meeting was at Joy’s house instead of mine because Jasper and Leo were sleeping over at Joy’s sister’s place, which meant that while the mice were away, the cats could play.

And these particular cats were enjoying music that focused heavily on girl power and heartbreak while filling our bellies with treats normally kept hidden from prying eyes. Treats such as lemon drop martinis and all the chocolate a girl could want, which today included fancy chocolates, courtesy of Quinn, chocolate ice cream, chosen by Indie and me, and better-than-a-boyfriend brownies, baked by Joy.

I bit into a decadent dark chocolate and walnut brownie and moaned. So good. True to their name, these were better than any man I’d ever dated. Then again, I’d been out of the game for so long that the only time I could recall where I’d felt something for a guy was when Wyatt and I role-played a few days ago.

Oh caramel apples, just the thought of how he’d looked at me, that intoxicating mixture of love and desire, had my blood boiling to a dangerous temperature. Wyatt was such an impressive actor that I’d almost believed he was about to kiss me. Caught up in the moment, I’d wanted it too.

What was I doing? I wasn’t supposed to be falling for him. No way could I keep entertaining those thoughts, especially when he’d only acted like that because he cared about someone else. I took another bite of brownie and chewed slowly to savor the flavor, but somehow, it didn’t satisfy me like before.

“Forget what’s-his-face because I have another guy for you to meet,” Joy said. “His name’s Fred, and he’s taking you to Luna’s Restaurant tomorrow night at seven. It’s a proper dinner date with a sweet guy. He has great taste in plants, and he’s an accountant. I told him all about you, Everly, and he is really excited to meet you.”

I made a face. How had I gone from zero dates for almost a year to two within the space of a week? “I’m not sure that I’m ready to get back out there again.”

Indie licked ice cream off her spoon and tsked with her tongue. “You can’t back out now. Remember our pact. You keep meeting guys until we find you your Mr. Good Enough. Or until two months have passed.”

I sighed. As much as I wasn’t comfortable with the plan, how else was I meant to find someone? I wanted to fall in love and grow old with someone who saw me the same way Wyatt saw his mystery girl: the chocolate to his vanilla, the moon to his stars.

“Alright,” I huffed .”I’ll meet a whole bunch of frogs if it means I might find a prince.”

“I think you mean kiss a bunch of frogs,” Indie said with a smirk. “That’s how the story goes. And, fortunately for you, there’ll be a whole bunch of frogs at the speed dating event. You’re welcome for the costume, by the way.” She eyed the pile of fabric sitting next to my sewing machine on the dining table. “You dressed up as Sailor Moon will act as a beacon, attracting every geek within a five-mile radius.”

Although Indie and I were about the same height, she was a lot bustier, so I planned to adjust the top tonight. “Yeah, about that. I’m still not sure how you expect me to wear this outfit in public. The bottom’s way too short. It barely covers my rear end.” I’d have to wear a pair of bicycle shorts underneath.

Indie laughed. “Well, that’s how it fits Sailor Moon too. It’s meant to be sexy.”

“Why must women’s costumes always be provocative?” Quinn sighed loudly. “Want to be a nurse? Make it sexy. Want to be a wizard? Put on a beard and make it sexy. Women shouldn’t have to dress themselves in scraps of fabric. They should wear whatever makes them feel attractive and comfortable.”

“You’re completely right,” Indie agreed. “I’m all for gender equality. And if men want to dress up as shirtless firefighters, who am I to deny them that right? Equal opportunity all the way. What are you dressing up as on Saturday?”

“Han Solo,” Quinn said.

“Ooh,” Indie squealed. “You should have told me sooner. I could have gone as Princess Leia. We’d have matched. As it stands, I’m going as a librarian.”

Quinn nodded and resumed her knitting. “That’s a great costume idea! Show men that you have more to offer than your legs and assets.”

Joy snorted. “She saidassets.”

Quinn bit her bottom lip, her mouth twitching.