Page 26 of The Dating Pact

Once she’d given a pinch of glitter to the last child, I called Makayla over. “I’d like to wish you a happy birthday too. Sweet girl, I love hearing you sing in the mornings as you walk into school. I love the colorful pictures you paint, and I especially love how you always check on your friends when they’re hurt. Seeing you care for others makes my heart happy. Happy birthday.”

“Thank you, Teacher Everly.” Her tiny fingers sprinkled glitter in my palm, and I wiped it over my face and arms.

“Now I’m covered in your birthday magic too.”

After that, the children soon dispersed, and I circled the backyard, joining in tea parties, cheering for children racing tricycles, and reading picture books. When two thirty came around, parents arrived to collect their tired kids, and Tonya stayed behind to help clean up.

“Thank you so much for making Makayla’s day special,” Tonya said once we’d put all the toys away. “It’s wonderful how you encourage all the kids to say something kind to each other.”

“You’re welcome. It’s such a sweet moment.” I glanced over at Dad and Wyatt. They’d finished putting up the rails and were chatting amongst themselves. “How did your talk with Wyatt go?” I asked, despite already knowing the answer. Her smile before said it all.

Tonya forced out a laugh. “Not great. He said he wasn’t available because he’s still getting over someone.”

Relief filled me, followed by surprise. I hadn’t realized Wyatt was interested in anyone, although why would I when we hadn’t discussed his love life at all?

Tonya shrugged. “Plenty more fish in the sea. We’ll see you tomorrow, Everly.”

“See you at drop-off,” I said absently, my eyes remaining fixed on Wyatt. Who’d broken his heart? How could any girl not see what a catch he was?

Once Tonya and Makayla left, I headed over to the finished tree house. A set of stairs led to two wooden platforms nestled in the tree, about five feet off the ground. The kids could finally play up there tomorrow, as a sturdy railing now ran around the edge.

“It looks phenomenal. Thank you both!” I hugged my father first, then pulled away to hug Wyatt too.

A look of surprise flashed across his face, and I froze in my tracks, aware of the tension crackling in the air and unsure what to do about it.

“You’re welcome,” Wyatt said before wrapping his arms around me. My heart hummed with happiness. Wyatt gave the best hugs.

“Um, Ev?” He chuckled, sending vibrations rippling through my body.” You want to let go now?

I tore myself away, my face blazing.

Dad motioned to Wyatt’s black shirt. “You’ve got a little birthday magic on you, son.”

Oops. “You do too, Dad.” I pointed to the sparkles on his face and arms.

“Do I? Well, I’ll be sure to pass some on to your mother then. Ready to go, Wyatt?”

Wyatt’s gaze fell on me, and he studied my face as if memorizing every detail, storing it away for later. Why hadn’t I checked my makeup before joining them? My face probably resembled a messy impressionist painting after spending all day outside in the sun.

“I was planning to write for a bit, but if you don’t have plans, Ev, I’d love to hang out here and catch up.”

“My schedule’s free. Just going to work on my Halloween costumes until dinner.”

“Have fun, you two. See you both for Sunday brunch.” Dad gave us a wave and then headed out.

I turned to find Wyatt watching me again in that warm and steady way of his, and the ground swayed beneath my feet. “Let’s head inside and grab a drink.” I flapped a hand in the air, fanning my heated skin. “I think I’m a bit dehydrated.”