Page 20 of The Dating Pact

“I’m not sure yet. Why?”

“It’s hardly a lucrative profession. Although I’d imagine public school teaching offers better pay. Plus, once you get married, you’ll quit to raise your own kids.”

One. Breathe in. Two…

Oh, forget about counting to four. No one could be expected to be this patient.

“Why would I quit my job?” I asked, my chin raised.

Nelson’s eyebrows drew together in surprise. “You dated Lukas Alexander, and he’s doing fairly well for himself. I simply assumed you were one of those girls who bided their time and dated rich guys for—”

“Excuse me?” I cut him off before he said anything more… or my cold chai flew across the table. “This date’s over. I don’t believe we’re compatible.”

Nelson’s relaxed demeanor vanished, and his expression turned frosty. “Did you just dismissme?”

You bet your sweet patootie I had!

His jaw clenched and his nostrils flared. “Do you know who I am? Or who my father is?”

Nope, and I didn’t care. “Look, how about we just agree that we’re not a good match?”

“Oh, we’re in complete agreement over that. I looked you up before our date. You appeared quite glamorous and sophisticated, so I was shocked when you walked in looking so slovenly.” He spat out the last word. “You’ve let yourself go, and frankly, I’m looking for a woman with class. I only stayed this long as a favor to Quinn.” He stood and stormed out.

Wow. I sank into my seat and ran my hand down a braid. I’d dodged a bullet right then, but part of me wondered whether Nelson was right. When Lukas and I dated, I dressed up all the time. Perhaps I should have changed clothes before coming today, or at least worn more makeup.

Me:If all my dates are going to end up like this, count me out

Quinn:Oh no. What happened?

Me:To quote one of my preschoolers—Nelson was a big fat poopy face

Indie:Wow. Don’t hold back

Quinn:I’m so sorry, Everly. What did he do? Nelson was always pleasant enough when I bumped into him at Mom’s parties

Yeah,probably because he was putting on airs, the pompous jerk.

Me:I’ll save the details for when we meet up

Indie:On the positive side, things can only get better from here, right?

Me:Not really helping right now

Joy:Double chocolate brownies this week?


Me:And ice cream


I lowered my phone and turned, offering my profile. “Wyatt. What are you…?” I whipped my head around, scanning the café for my liar of a brother. “Were you and Ben spying on me? Where is he, anyway?”

Wyatt flashed me a lopsided smile and played with the strap of his laptop bag. “Ben’s not here, but he roped me into stopping by instead. Unfortunately, I arrived a little late. What happened to your date?” He glanced down at Nelson’s empty cup.

I clenched my jaw, remembering the insults. “He left. But I’m fine with that. The date took a steep downhill turn after he insulted my profession and implied that I was some sort of classless gold digger without a real job.”

Guess I didn’t do a great job of keeping the brittleness from my voice because Wyatt took a step closer. A low growl escaped his lips. “Where is this guy? Maybe I should talk to him…”