Page 16 of The Dating Pact


My phone buzzed numerous times in my pocket, but I stared out the window of Ben’s truck, choosing to ignore the messages. Lukas wasn’t known for his patience, but I was in no mood to talk to him. Not when seeing Everly again dredged up such complicated emotions. What was I thinking, touching her hair like that? Or picking her up? It was as if my hands had a mind of their own. Being with her just before, it had taken all my self-control not to pull her close, breathe in her sweet scent, and taste her lips.

Would they taste like pancakes and syrup?

“What are you doing tomorrow at four?” Ben asked as soon as he parked his truck back at the ranch.

I pushed all thoughts of Ev’s mouth aside. “I haven’t given it much thought. Probably writing.”

Ben shook his head. “Wrong answer. You’re going to Café Lily. I promised that none of the males in my family would be there, but I didn’t say anything about you.”

Sneaky bastard. The guy was cunning, alright. “So that was your plan all along.”

“Can you blame me? My sister’s too trusting. She’s like this adorable kitten.”

“Even kittens have claws,” I reminded him.

“They do. Tiny ones.”

I chuckled. “Not too sure Everly would appreciate you describing her that way.”

Ben shrugged. “Ev’s tough, but she still needs someone to watch her back. As much as I’ll tease her about this dating pact, I think it’s good for her to get back out there. But the dating pool’s rough; there are way too many sharks out there who will say or do whatever they can to get what they want.”

It didn’t escape my attention that he was referring to Lukas.

“So, are you in?” Ben asked. “Can I count on you to keep an eye on our girl?”

An uncomfortable band tightened around my chest. How could I agree to do this? Ben would never have asked me for help if he’d known the real reason I was back in Sunnyvale. How would he react once he learned that I was the biggest shark of them all?

Come on, Wyatt. Isn’t the whole point to get close to Everly again?

Yeah. But for what reason? To help my brother out?

Or to find out the truth for myself?

I recalled how soft her hair felt between my fingers and how perfect her body felt against mine.

Son of a gun. Who was I kidding? No way could I stay away from her. “I’ll be there,” I muttered.

Ben slapped me on the shoulder. “Good to know I can count on you. Consider yourself one of Everly’s honorary brothers.”

I barked out a disbelieving laugh. No way that was happening. My feelings for her were far from brotherly.

But, then again, that had always been the problem.