Page 15 of The Dating Pact

“If you won’t tell us where you’re going, at least tell us the guy’s name,” Ben said. “Aiden can run a background check.”

I dragged my eyes away from Wyatt’s playful gaze to shoot my brother a pointed look. “That’s illegal, and you know it.”

“Fine. But come on, at least give me something. Tell me where you’re meeting him. I promise I won’t show up and embarrass you.”

My brother thought he was being clever, but I knew how his mind worked. “Let me guess—Aiden or Dad will just happen to be there instead?”

Ben placed a hand over his chest. “Why, Everly Knight, I am deeply hurt by your accusations. What have I ever done to earn such distrust?”

Really? Off the top of my head, I could rattle off at least a dozen instances where either Aiden or Ben was way too over-protective. “Remember Jonas Kleinman? You and Aiden showed up at our movie date.”

Ben shrugged. “What’s the big deal? Can’t your brothers enjoy a romantic comedy?”

“That’s a lousy excuse, and you know it. You came to spy on us. And what about Craig Larson? You poured a bucket of ice over him.”

The corners of Ben’s mouth twitched. “That was an accident. I intended to offer him a cool beverage, but I tripped, causing the cooler of ice to empty its contents all over his pants.”

“Riiight.” I found it harder and harder to keep a straight face. “And it had nothing to do with Craig spreading rumors that I’d made out with him on our first and only date. I could have handled that myself, Ben. No one believed the creep, anyway.”

“You should have poured two coolers of ice on him.” Wyatt’s expression darkened, and he crossed his arms over his chest. “No one should be treating you that way.”

My heart pounded and I bit my bottom lip. The way his shirt clung to his broad shoulders wasn’t lost on me.

“See?” Ben gestured toward Wyatt. “He agrees with me. The ice wasn’t that bad. And that was years ago. I’m an upstanding citizen now, and I swear on my shop that none of the Knight men will be there.”

I blew out a puff of air, knowing full well that I’d end up regretting this. “Fine. I’m meeting him at four o’clock at Café Lily.”

“That’s too late for lunch and too early for dinner,” Ben said. “He’s checking you out to see if you’re worthy of a proper dinner date.”

I scoffed. “Is that what you do with the girls you ask out?”

Ben shook a finger at me and headed back to the inflatables. “Now, now. You know I never kiss and tell.” He plugged the extension cord into the side of the house, and as if by magic, the two crumpled piles of fabric began to inflate. Minutes later, a larger-than-life unicorn and a mermaid towered above my bushes.

I let out a mad-scientist laugh. “They’re alive. Alive!” Everything was going to plan.

Halloweenpalooza, here we come.

Wyatt walked up beside me and nudged my arm with his elbow. “Nice. But what do unicorns and mermaids have to do with Halloween?”

“Absolutely nothing.” I grinned. “But they make the house magical. Plus, no one else will have a seven-foot horse in their front yard, will they?”

“Definitely not,” Ben said before turning to Wyatt. “Our work here is done. Ready to head out?”

Something flickered in Wyatt’s eyes, but before I could get a read on the emotion, he slotted his relaxed smile back in place. “Sounds good. Wonderful seeing you today, Ev. Hope you enjoy your date tomorrow.”

“Thanks.” I watched as they got into Ben’s truck. The moment they disappeared from sight, worry struck me square in the chest. For all my earlier bravado, the last date I’d gone on was almost a year ago. Could I really do this?

Another gust of wind blew, making the hanging Halloween lights dance. Whether or not I was ready, change was in the air. It was time for me to move on.