Bibi’s face lit up, like she didn’t believe I’d actually go through with this. “First, many thanks to Wolf Number One. May you find the wolf that you’re meant to spend forever with. Now—oh, this is so exciting—let’s meet Wolf Number Two. Do you want me to tell you about him, or do you just want to meet him?”

“Meet him! Meet him!”

“I want to meet him.” My wolf rumbled in appreciation. I’d spent a lot of time not asking for what I wanted, and this man who was about to walk out from behind the wall was the start of a whole new life for me, whether he was my mate or not.

“Wolf Number Two, come meet your mate.”

My heart skipped a beat when the man walked around the corner. He was gorgeous. Dark wavy hair, broad shoulders that looked impeccable in his suit jacket. A smile that made muscles low in my belly clench.

He looked exactly like...

“Logan Mathis, Cindy Charon has chosen you as her forever mate. And that means for the next six weeks, we’re all going to get to know every single thing about each other. My team will help you craft the perfect dates and help you get acclimated to Sunset Springs. And then, I hope to see you looking devastatingly handsome in a tux waiting to claim your mate.”

The crowd was going wild, and I was aware of it, even though all the noise sounded like it was happening somewhere else.

My wolf chose Logan Mathis.

Logan Mathis.

Holy. Shit.

The Wolf’s Moonwas my comfort watch—I’d seen every episode so many times. It had become my lifeline in those first days after Pedro left, when I was in a weird place between denial and relief that he wasn’t coming back. This man—or his character on the show—made me believe something better was possible.

“Hi,” Logan said as he reached for my hand. How was he better looking in person?

A jolt of electricity shot through me on contact. That had never happened with Pedro. Everything was different. Foreign. Surreal.

There was no way Logan Mathis was my mate. I had to be dreaming.

How many nights had I pictured him when I’d had Pedro on top of me...

“Hi,” I finally said.

“I’m so glad you chose me.”

Logan Mathis was…nervous.

Definitely a dream. Probably the next thing that would happen was I’d realize I was naked on stage in front of all these people and my favorite actor.

But the reality was much worse than that.