Page 84 of My Professor

He steps closer, and I let him invade my space until we’re nearly chest to chest. His hand reaches up to grip the side of my neck, and his thumb lifts my chin, exposing the long column of my throat as I swallow down my nerves.

The pad of his thumb brushes back and forth just underneath my lips. He’s studying them as he makes a demand. “Don’t flirt with another man in front of me. I won’t play games.”

“I wasn’t—”

“I pulled up the boy’s HR file. Should I send an email, have him fired on the spot?”

My body tenses in panic. “You wouldn’t. That’s cruel, and ridiculous. He did nothing wrong.”

“He made you smile,” he says, wistfully ensnared by my pout.

I narrow my eyes.

“Are you always this territorial?”

A beat passes.


Then he bends down and kisses me.

The shock of it would tip me backward if he didn’t have such a tight grip around my neck. He holds me steady as my heart flutters so fast it threatens to leave my body altogether. He takes a step toward me so our hips brush as his lips slant over mine in claiming possession. His tall frame feels like a shadow cloaking me in darkness.

We’re kissing with the door open, and I don’t have the good sense to stop him. My mind is entrapped by the weight of his mouth on mine—not overbearing, but hot and demanding. A soft moan escapes before I can quell it. He deepens the kiss, tries to part my lips and take things further, and I let him. I lean my body into him in a show of submission as my tongue touches his.Take what you will.

My hands slide up the lapels of his suit jacket and then, abruptly, he steps back.

I’m still blinking my eyes open, my bruised pink lips still parted, when Mr. Banks speaks from the door behind me.

“Did engineering send over the plans?”

“They’re right here. Emelia brought them up.” He looks back at me, playing his part to a T with his inscrutable mask dutifully back in place. His expression says he’d forgotten I was still in the room. I’m suddenly a servant who’s overstayed her welcome. “Thank you.”

It’s a dismissal and I heed it quickly, ducking my head and skirting around Mr. Banks, praying he can’t see the stain of color on both of my cheeks.

Professor Barclay’s kiss took me to newfound heights, but now I’m crash-landing back on earth as I make the hasty trek past Candace’s desk, back toward my cubicle. There’s no time to relish the moment.

That was our first kissis obliterated byYou’re an idiot. Anyone could have seen you. Mr. Banks probablydidsee you.

“What did you just take to Mr. Barclay?” Hugo asks before I can even get my butt back in my seat.

“Oh…” I think quickly, regurgitating everything Professor Barclay just spoon-fed me. “Engineering plans. Apparently, there’s an issue with the foundation at Belle Haven.”

His eyes widen in panic. “What kind of issue?”

“Something to do with an iron sulfide mineral in the concrete. It sounds like it’ll need a major overhaul before the project really gets underway. I’m sure we’ll all be updated about it soon enough.”

Meera’s been listening quietly, but now she leans her elbow on our cubicle wall. “But why did he haveyoubring up the engineering plans? Seems random.”

I shrug and toy with my mouse, trying to seem as if I’m anxious to get back to work. “How should I know? The whole engineering department is freaking out though. It sounds like this is going to be a huge problem.”

She hums and pushes off the wall, retaking her seat. “Yeah, let’s hope it doesn’t stall the project for too long.”

I’m relieved that my redirect worked. If she’s still wondering why I was the one to supply Professor Barclay with the plans, she’s at least keeping it to herself.

He and I likely got away with what we just did, but it doesn’t mean I want to do it again.

In fact, I’m furious.